At First Sight

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-Don't cry sweetheart... Everything'll be fine.

     And with those apparently calm words she deposits a warm kiss on the baby's cheek. It was a different kiss than all, since he came to live, has received. A farewell kiss, since something was telling her that will be the last. That will be the end.

     What would have said that a happy intimate moment could be destroyed just in seconds? A couple of minutes ago they were celebrating with smiles and applause the first "baby's" steps. An step... Then other... He fell... What was the matter? It'll be a thousand falls in life but the important is to stand up and continue. And that was what he did. With effort he achieved crossing the small room that, for them, was a living room, a kitchen and a dining room at the same time. 

     He didn't know, his short age didn't let him understand. His family was in a financial crisis. Food wasn't enough, the services were going to be cancelled, his father was fired and his mother couldn't find a job since she wasn't able to finish school because of her pregnancy. If he were older, he'd have thought his family financial status was all his fault; but instead, with this innocent spirit he simply devoted himself to smile and that way make his parent's day lighter and brighter. And that's that with all the necessities they had was necessary to get a loan. Other burden for the little family.

     Their bank credit at the Atenas city bank was terrible. They didn't  have the chance to request a new loan with them. Were his apparent father's friends who made as creditors. Without other exit, he accepted. The interests were really high but, it was needed to subsist.

     It was pouring with rain. The rain drops resounded on the washed-out sheet that served as roof. Some blows were heard at the door along with yells calling the his father. Who were they and why this late at night? It had been more than five months of debt, the interests kept increasing and the creditors weren't happy. They were furious.

     His father asked his wife to take the baby and get out of the home as quick as possible by the back door, bringing just a few docs with her. He knew really well his "friends". He knew they no longer are what he though, or they actually never were. With a last embrace he said goodbye, forever; he knew, to the love of his life and the child of his dreams. He was going to die that night, he knew.

     And there were they again. Under the pouring rain. She soaked and he warm covered by cotton sheets. And so she left him carefully at the front door of that enormous house in which ceiling can be read "Atenas orphanage", putting the documents on the child's chest. Dedicating a last sight, a last kiss.

-Don't cry sweetheart... Everything'll be fine.

     After those words as farewell, she rang the doorbell and then got lost in the storm. Her son was safe. Her husband probably dead. What was going to happen to her?

     She heard some steps behind her, a gunshot and on her last breath she pronounces her beloved son's name: "Milo".

     I never knew about my parents, nothing more than the fact that they died in an accident for which there's not much information about. I was just a baby and my mother brought me to the orphanage to protect me from the destiny they had. My childhood was the same as a normal child. The orphanage principal was a mother for me, she received me that rainy night and took good care me; all my orphan housemates were like my siblings, we cared of each other and we delivered to each other the love our parents never gave us. The janitor was a really good person, he always gave me his advice on how to deal with life. He was like a father for me. Once he told me, the stars predicted my destiny, my future. It'd be a good one, I'd be adopted by a very happy couple and grow as a exceptional child. I'd fall in love, true love, and I'd be a successful man.

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