The G8 Meeting

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It was a fine, sunny day. The sun's rays bounced off buildings, the houses shimmering and glittering. The weather contrasted against the usual dark and somber downpour.

However, Arthur Kirkland could not stand to admire the rare beauty. He was running late to his own meeting, and with him carried a heavy suitcase.

He had summoned the G8 for a important meeting, though he anticipated that nothing would go anywhere. Arthur knew how it'd go, Alfred proposing a dumb idea, Kiku agreeing, then hell lets loose and Ludwig starts yelling at everyone to shut up. To put the cherry on top, Feliciano raises his hand and yells pasta and leaves. Arthur was absolutely dreading this, but he was not one to disobey the Ministry.

Arthur hopped into a Muggle taxi, and they sped towards the meeting building. He leaves the taxi, and pays the man. Then, he walks to the entrance, where there were armed policemen. Arthur shows his I.D and permit, and they let him in.

The British gentlemen ran down the luxurious hallways, and into the meeting room, nearly collapsing. It didn't help that he carried with him a suitcase.

"Yo, Iggy, dude! I'm earlier than you for once!" He'd recognize that voice from a mile away. "America, don't call me Iggy, git! That's not why I'm here! I'm not here to stroke your inflated ego, wanker!" Arthur said angrily, shaking his head. Francis simply laughed his ohnoxious little 'ohonhonhon'. "Shut it, Frog!" Arthur raised his voice at Francis. "Not such a gentleman, Angleterre?" Arthur ignored Francis's teasing.

"Ve~ Ciao, England!" The bubbly Italian waved to Arthur. "Guten tag, England." Ludwig greeted him. "Aiyaah, why you so late to you own meeting.. not that I care, aru-yo.." Yao asked Arthur. "I was running late." Arthur answered. "Hello, England~" Arthur shivered at that voice of the childishly cruel demon. He ignores Russia. Finally, Kiku quietly said to Arthur, "Greetings, Mr. England." Arthur nods, impatient to start the meeting.

"The reason why I brought you all here is for a meeting regarding Harry Potter.  He will attend Hogwarts, however the Ministry feels as if he won't be safe there alone, so one of you will have to go. Any volunteers?" He was pleased for the meeting going correctly.

Almost everyone raised their hand, except Feliciano who was taking a fiesta. "Italy, wake up!" Ludwig yelled,  and Feliciano woke up. "Huh? What just happened?" Feliciano asked, and with a very annoyed tone Ludwig replied, "Vhat you just missed vas a very important part of the meeting! Pay attention, or else you vill have to run 100 laps!" Felciano gasped. "No, Luddy! Not the laps!" Ludwig now said, "Pay attention then.", his tone getting softer.

Alfred piped up, standing, "I wanna protect the little boy, cuz' I'm the hero!" Arthur shot back, "You git, you would focus on the food more than protecting the boy!" That rules out Alfred.

"I will hit the bullies with the Magic Pipe of Pain~" Ivan said, in a singsong voice. "We're looking to protect the boy, not get expelled." Russia's face suddenly got dark. "What did you say to me?" Arthur quickly replied, "Nothing-" That rules out Ivan , too.

"Angleterre, please let me-" Arthur interupts. "You aren't going to touch any eleven year olds, frog!" Francis shot back, "Love is not to be forced on anyone! I am not a-" Feliciano screamed, "Paa-STTT—", half the word getting muffled by Ludwig's hand. That also rules out Francis, but that's only due to his pettiness.

"I can protect the boy!" Yao stated, matter of factly. "Aren't you too old to do-" Arthur was cut off. "Hey! I am not that old!" Arthur stopped. Maybe Yao?

Ludwig didn't need to speak to be considered.

Arthur was pleasantly surprised when Kiku volunteered. "Japan, aren't you hu...rt?" Kiku shook his head, and said, "Mr. England, I will be fine. After all, it is me because many lives were lost, I need to make a stand.. I am strong enough. I can d—"

Kiku was interrupted by a bawling Italian, sobbing and clinging on Kiku. Kiku was shock-stricken, and nearly threw Feliciano. "N-n.. my personal space!" Kiku said, panicked.

"Noo-Japan, don't goo-What if you get a-b-b-bom.. hurt again-What would we do?!" Feliciano spat out in one sentence. "Let go of Japan!" Arthur hollered at Feliciano. "Italy.. get off!" Ludwig tried to pry the Italian off the obviously uncomfortable Japanese man. "Vell, ve need to compromise! Italy won't do good without Japan, and vill be vorried!" Ludwig said, nearly getting the sobbing pasta lover off screeching Kiku.

"Fine! You two can go with Japan!" Feliciano stopped bawling and sobbing. "Really?" Feliciano asked for it to be confirmed. Arthur replied tiredly, "Yes, yes! Just stop wailing!" Feliciano finally let go, and Kiku stood there and stared at a wall. "Is Japan going to be a-good, Luddy?" Italy asked. "Just let him be like that for awhile.."

The others were watching the mayhem happen, and when it ended, they broke into laughter.

"N-nihon was... ahaHAHAHAHA!-" Yao was choking, and wheezing. "Angleterre was radiant!", Francis laughed. "Shut it.", Arthur said angrily to him. Ivan simply smiled. "Wow~ that was fun!" The people in the room shivered. "Aiyah, Russia, don't go after me to be entertained.." Yao hung his head. Alfred was laughing heroically. "Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Kiku raised his hand. Arthur nodded to him, and Kiku asked, "This is a magical school, is it not? How will we.. cast the spells..? And how would we fit with the children?" Arthur answered, "Within all nations, there's a kind of magic that flows through our veins. Our magic is different from the others, though. Ancient magic. It would take a extremely powerful wizard to notice the different aura. You won't need much to cast them, just a wand.. and for the fitting part.."

Arthur opened his suitcase, and brought out a dusty, old book. "England, vhat are you-" Arthur cuts off Ludwig, and starts chanting in a incantation. A yellow glow enchases Kiku, Feliciano, and Ludwig. When the glow fades out, they seemed to be gone.

"Aiyaah, what happen to Nihon, aru?!" Yao said, in a panic. Looking down, they were half their size.  With it, their voices changed respectfully.

"Veh~ Look, Germany!~ We're so a-tiny and cute!" Feliciano said, happily. "Hey, ve wanted to fit in, not become children permanently!" Ludwig stated. "Bloody hell, it's not permanent, you'll have to take a potion every month.." Arthur shook his head, facepalming."How are ve supposed to know that?!" Ludwig countered back. Kiku was silent the whole time, flustered.

"I didn't know Monsieur Japan was such a cute child when he was young...oui, oui... ohonhonhon~" Francis said, reaching out his hand.. and then..

Yao leaps towards Francis, and smacks him with a ladle. "I was only going to give him a head pat!" Francis cried out. "No, you no touch Nihon!" Yao hovered protectively, blocking Francis's hand from Kiku. "Dude, that's totes like, uncool France. Keeks doesn't wanna be touched!" Alfred pouts. Ivan seemed amused, and asks, "Will a fight happen~?" There was a chorus of nos in the room.

"China-san... please stopu..." Kiku politely told him to stop, and backed off a bit. Yao lowered his ladle. Ivan seemed disappointed. "I stopped the fight, commie, cuz' I'm the hero!" Alfred stated. "Kolkolkolkol~" Ivan's aura got darker. "J-Jeez dude, I was joking!" Alfred crumbled down.

"Big Brother France, what were you about to a-do to Japan?" Feliciano asked curiously. "I was going to give him a head pat for the last time!" France claims. "You dumpkophf! Even then, Japan has a personal space bubble!" Ludwig crossed his arms, and shook his head.

Kiku silently watched it happen. Arthur clears his throat, and spoke up, "No matter what you do, don't try to contact them, or meet up with them. They won't be present at meetings for a few months." All the heads in the room nod.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind in the room. "Vhat was that?!" Ludwig asked. "Ahh! It's a ghost! Germany, Germany, helpp!" Feliciano ran up to Germany and held hands. ".. what was that?" Kiku also asked. Arthur simply stated, "I'm sure it's nothing." The others, except Ivan, seemed to be worried.

That concludes the meeting. Everyone filed out, while the The Musketeers Trio (this is what I will be calling them as a group for the rest of the story) followed Arthur. What they didn't know was they were headed off on a dangerous mission. But this is their redemption arc, isn't it?

"... why do you all forget about me, I'm Canada!-" Matthieu said, out of breath quite literally. He had been sat on by Ivan for all of the meeting.

Author's Note:
Please tell me if I am portraying any of the characters wrong. I'm open for constructive criticism!

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