The Sorting Hat

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The train whistles loudly as it pulls in the station. Everyone in the compartment changed into their robes quite hastily. Ron pauses for a second and then speaks, "Nervous?" The other heads in the room bob up and down.

Harry and Ron scramble to cram as much of the food in their pockets as possible. "Leave your trunks in the train! They will be brought to the castle seperately." called out someone. The Three Musketeers, Ron, and Harry does exactly as told in obedience.

They all exit the train. Feliciano excitedly ran out of the train, at tremendous speeds. "Guys, a-look! It's so pretty here!~" Ludwig and Kiku desperately tried to catch up to them. "Feli-kun, please wait up!/Feliciano! Vait, you're going too fast!" Ludwig and Kiku yelled out. Ron and Harry followed quickly. Kiku had slowed down considerably, along with Ludwig contrary to their peak.

"1st years to the boats! Only three per boat!" called out a monsterously gigantic man, who had a bushy beard and tiny beetle-black eyes. Feliciano whimpers and goes behind Ludwig. Kiku shuddered slightly of the height difference. Ludwig seems to be indifferent for the group. "Don't worry," Harry begins, comforting the group. "Hagrid's kind."

The Three Musketeers shovel in the boats. They also took notice of how Harry entered in a boat with Ron and Hermione. The trio carefully had their eyes trained on Harry, making sure that no harm would come to the boy. It took all three of them by surprise when the boats started to move.

The boats cut cleanly through the water, and the sights around them were breath-taking. Feliciano and Kiku momentarily seemed distracted when Ludwig's scolding brought them back to reality. "But, Ger-Luddy..! It's beautiful here! Can't we just relax for awhile?" Feliciano pleaded. "I agree with Feliciano-kun. It would be nice to take the scenary in more. However, we must continue on with our duties." Kiku says. "Alright, you may watch zhe scenary for a bit." Ludwig sighs. Feliciano lets out a triumphant whoop in the air, and the trio takes a moment to process the tranquility of the scene. They notice a boy being given a frog from Hagrid.

The boats come to a halt as they get docked. The Three Musketeers hop off the boat. The man they have known and associated as "Hagrid" knocks on the large door. Ron says, "Wicked." It opens, and they all line up and file into a large room.

A stern-looking woman on a higher level raps her fingers on a stone railing. She goes up to the top of the stairs. She speaks up, greeting the newcomers.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." She speaks quickly with an authoritative tone. Feliciano was paying no mind to her words, and was hitting on a group of quietly giggling girls.

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." She ends. The stern woman leaves. A slicked back evil boy speaks up, whom they recognize as the boy at Madams Malkans.

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." The students usher and whisper Harry Potter. "This is Crabbe, and Goyle," He nods to thug-like children. "And I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy." Ron coughs, possibly to hide a snicker. "Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley." Ron went silent.

He looks to the Musketeers. "And I know you three. Came out of nowhere, didn't you? Arthur Kirklands' supposed adopted children." He turns to Feliciano, ignoring Ludwig. "Little bit of an idiot, you are?" Draco turns to Kiku. "And you. Funny accent you've got here. Can't pronounce a single l, can you?" Kiku held his tongue. Feliciano whimpered and hid behind Ludwig. Ludwig narrowed his eyes on Draco.

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