Potions Class

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Harry woke up 1 hour before he should have woken up. He desperately tried to go back to sleep, however with Feliciano's whining and Ludwig's screaming, the effort was obsolete. So he groggily sat up on his bed. The trio was staring at him, and he couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh! Ciao, Harry!" Feliciano waved to him. "Guten morgan.. Ve apologize if ve woke you up.." Ludwig stretched. "Potter-san, did we wake you up?" Kiku asked him. "It's alright.." Harry said.

"Perhaps we should change into our uniforms now... I'll change behind my bed, please do not look." Kiku scurried away, now unseen. "Alright, Kiku!" Everyone changed into their robes and uniforms.

Everyone left their rooms, and went into the common rooms. In there, they were greeted by Ron Weasley. "Hello there, Harry!" Ron waved to Harry. The group greeted Ron back. They headed into the Great Hall.

Over in the hall, everyone filled their plates with food. Feliciano excitedly chit-chatted with other girls. Ron added sugar into his porridge. Kiku was carefully regulating his servings, while Ludwig ate as much as he could work off. Harry ate all he could hold.

"Ron, what classes do we have today?" Harry asked. "Well, transfiguration with the Ravenclaws, Herbology with the Hufflepuffs, Charms with Ravenclaw— and Potions with.. Slytherins." Ron said, not eager to have a class with the Slytherins. Kiku had to agree, as he also viewed them as a awful loy. However, he kept his trap shut. The rest of the trio got bad vibes, and really bad vibes.

Transfiguration seemed interesting at first, when Professor McGonagall turned her desk into a pig. But, alas, they wont be turning things into other things for awhile. After taking a series of complicated notes, Professor McGonagall gave each person a match to turn into a needle. In the end, Hermione was the only one who succeeded, with Kiku nearly accomplishing it. Ludwig has no effect on the match, and Feliciano merely set it on fire. McGonagall congratulated Hermione and gave one of her rare smiles.

Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts were rather uneventful. Finally, Neville had a knack for something. The DADA classroom just smelled like garlic.

Potions class was awful.

Professor Snape was a bit of a wanker to Harry, for no apparent reason. "Ah yes, Harry Potter. Our new - celebrity." Malfoy and his jerk circle sniggered. Then he proceeds to recite a poem laced with possibly poisonous malice, purely for the sake of being an ass. He asked Harry questions he knew he wouldn't be able to answer, and took a point off.

Feliciano raised his hand. Snape ignored it. Feliciano started waving it. Snape still ignores it. After awhile, Feliciano looks as if he's about to burst. Snape finally takes the hand. "What do you want?"

"Veeh, I just wanted to say that your skin is oiler than too much cheese on a pizza, and that you should get in a skincare routine to get more bellas!" The Griffindors roared in laughter, but one cold glare shut them up. "10 points fron Griffindor for your cheek, Vargas."

Ludwig smacked the head of Feliciano when Snape wasn't looking. "Idiot!" He whisper yelled. "Don't provoke him like that!" Feliciano could only reluctantly nod.

Snape put everyone into pairs to brew a simple cure for boils, critizing anything with a pulse except a rats name that starts with M and ends with y. It seems like he was critizing Feliciano on the same level as Harry, and that's saying a lot. It seemed to infuriate Snape more, as it kept getting increasingly clear that Feliciano's knack was Potions, and his compliments grew stiffer for Malfoy.

Oh shid. A hissing sound filled the dungeon. Neville somehow melted Seamus's cauldron into a blob. The potion seeped on the ground and burned holes into people's shoes. Angry red boils sprang up on Neville, and he was taken to the hospital wing.

God damn it, Neville.

Harrygettingintroublefornofuckingreason.mp4 electric boogaloo 2

In Charms, Flitwick had everyone practice a 'swish and flick' wand movement. After a little bit of warming up, Flitwick cleared his throat. "Now, using the nice swish and flick wand movement, point at your quill and say— Wingardium Leviosa!" Professor Flitwick casted the spell, and the quill levitated at once.

Everyone began to attempt to cast the spell, to no avail. Ron even tried to flail his hands and yell the magic words. Ludwig was getting a bit more impatient every second, even Feliciano seemed drained.

"No-no-no, you're doing it all wrong! It's levi-OH-sa, not leviosahh.." Hermione said to Ron. Kiku looked to Hermione and smiled rather softly. "Thank you for the tip." Ron seemed not to understand. "If you're such a know-it-all, why don't you do it?" And Hermione did, along with Kiku in second. Ron gaped. Flitwick looks at the quill, and exclaimed, "Oh, well done!"

"Oh Kikuu, you did it! Can you do it for me too?" Feliciano asked Kiku with his baby doe eyes. Unable to tear his eyes away from his only weakness, Kiku nodded. "I could teach you..?" Feliciano nodded, with Ludwig paying attention. "Well, you do the movement and say the words. However, you pronounce levi-oh-sah." Soon enough after trying a lot, they managed to hover the quill a couple inches. "Look, Ger- Luddy! I did it!"

Ron said something to Harry, and when class ended, Hermione bolted out.

Note: order of plot is messed up but ehhhhh
shorter than usual, rip

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