Chapter One. Becoming Coach

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“Hey kids, I’m Rei, and this is Nagisa, I was like to first say that you all are beautiful”, Rei said with excitement.

        “Yesss!, I’m happy to see so many members already”, Nagisa replied.

        There were only about 5 boys and one girl, of course isn’t much to start with, but Rei and         Nagisa were determined to increase that little seven. It was just the first meet so they thought it would definitely grow.

        “When do we actually start swimming?”

        Baffled Nagisa said, “Maybe the next meeting, do any of you know know what the butterfly stroke, back stroke, breast stroke, or freestyle swimming is?”

        One small red hair raised his hand, “yes?”, rei said.

        “Freestyle is when you can choose which ever stroke you want to do.”

          “Exactly!”, Rei said not knowing he interrupted the boy.

        “Breast Stroke is when you extend your arms out in front of you breats, butterfly stroke is when you move your body as if you are a butterfly, and the backstroke is when instead of swimming belly against the water you swim back against the water.”, Kept on going in a snobby way, “My brother’s a professional swimmer”.

        Rei and Nagisa were both surprised neither of them thought they would have someone with experience because all of the other people were quiet and awkward.

        “That’s exactly right, play so how many of you can swim”, Rei asked.

Everyone raised their hands which was expected from highschoolers.

Before we leave “Welcome to Iwatobi Swim Team everyone, I promise you’ll have fun!”

        “They already left”, Rei said irritably, “you talked to this as if they were kindergarteners; when we were their age we actually started them swim club, think of it like that, they are most definitely matured”

“        I-I’’m sorry Rei, just I didn’t know how to act because this isn't normal for me”

        “But the few kids we have aren't going to come back”

        “What about the red-haired boy, he’ll most likely come back”

Nagisa, you’re too optimistic, everything isn’t going to be turn out fine,you need to understand this”

     “Yes bu-”

“NO!, you were sure the swim team wouldn’t break up, but you made everyone so sure we were going to be together forever, so it hurt more than should’ve when we broke up”, Rei began crying.

“I’m sorry, did you think I wanted it to be like this, don’t you think I'm Hurt, I miss Haru, Makoto, Gou, and Rin just as much as you”, Nagisa whispered.

Nagisa planned on sleeping on the floor that night because Rei was frustrated. Honestly he knew it still hasn’t been a month since they last seen their teammates. Nagisa thought over and over, “Why is Rei so short tempered?

He was in the passenger seat beside Rei but kept quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the muffled sound of the car engine, and Rei’s breathing.

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