Chapter 1:BEST FRIENDS!!!!

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Claudia sat down on her blue big bed she was thinking of her best friends,Sydney,Anise,Estephany,and Reagan. Sydney was my neighbor we met when one day her and her boyfriend were talking on the phone outside, and she was crying. I wanted to see what was wrong so I went outside and asked her she said her boyfriend Angel broke up with her and she was so sad. We became Friends because I helped her through it. One day her friend Estephany came over and I went over and I met her she is nice,violent,and smart. We hang out mostly everyday Estephany's boyfriend Jordan and her were always texting when we all went out. Once we were walking in the park and a Nice,blonde haired girl with green Eyes came up to us and asked for directions to a hotel about 4 blocks down and she was with a boy named Diego, Her boyfriend. I was dating a guy named Chris, he is my Ex we don't talk, well he talks to me but I don't listen. I'm all alone now, Me and Sydney have the most fun because we're single and we were the first to meet. I don't know what I would do with out my BEST friends!
"Hey so.....Reagan" said Sydney .
"What happen" said Claudia.
"I think she is not that in to Diego" said Sydney.
"Hahaha" Claudia laughed uncontrollable.
"Your kidding right?" Asked Claudia.
"No why?" Said Sydney.
"Because that's a very mean thing to say" said Claudia.
"No it's not!" said Sydney.
"Hey can I tell you a secret.." Said Sydney.
"What" said Claudia.
" I think Diego is super cute" said Sydney.
" What!!!! Your lucky Reagan isn't here" said Claudia.
" WHATEVER!!!" Said Sydney.
"So are you going to get back together with Angel?" Said Claudia
"I don't know...(silence)... He broke up with me so...I don't know." Said Sydney
"Well if you keep talking about Diego like that then I don't think you will get back together with Angle." Said Claudia
"ALL I SAID WAS HE WAS CUTE!!!!" Said Sydney
"No you said SUPER CUTE!" Said Claudia
"Whatever let's go see Estephany." Said Sydney
"Ok" said Claudia
Claudia Ran behind Sydney who was running over to Estephany's house. All of a sudden Angel,Diego,Jordan,and
Chris were walking down the street they were making jokes and they started making fun of Sydney. They were saying she is to "weird" to have friends.I SNAPPED!!
"SHUT UP!" Said Claudia
"Leave her alone she never did anything to you SO STOP!!!" Said Claudia
Angel went up to Sydney grabbed her waist and asked her to go back out with him
"Yes" said Sydney
Angel kissed Sydney passionately.
I was trying to figure out what was happening but it happened so fast,but then I figured out that my best friend just got back together with her Ex,And I was EXCITED!!
Sydney and Angle were still kissing,Diego started to hold hands with Reagan, who got here 5 mins ago,anyways Jordan and Estephany were hugging, and Chris came up to me told me to shut up and kissed me.
Right then I pulled away and ran inside.The soon to be best moment took a turn straight to me.
"Im coming" said Claudia
Sydney,Reagan,Anise,Chris,Diego,Jordan and Angel were at my door with a whole bunch of friends.
"PARTY TIME" screamed someone in the back.
They all ran in,I was wearing my beautiful blue dress,with a sparkly bottom.Sydney was wearing booty shorts,Reagan was wearing a long pink laced dress with high heels on. Anise was wearing a high-low dress that is red and black,all the guys were wearing tux.Chris asked to have a dance with me and I didn't want to that would look wrong,Angel and Sydney danced together,Anise danced alone,and Reagan danced with Diego.Everyone was happy but then some really cute guy walked up to Anise and asked for a dance, he was wearing a tux and a really cute hat,Anise blushed grabbed his hand and started dancing.All of a sudden the song that me and Chris first danced to was playing,that's when he asked me to dance and I had to say yes,because I couldn't keep turning him down.Sydney and Angel were grinding and twerking on each other,Anise was laughing at all the jokes Joshua was making. Joshua is the boy who asked her to dance,Reagan and Diego were in the corner talking,Jordan and Estephany were drinking and playing around and Chris was annoying me so I said I had to go to the bathroom and I ditched him for a little while.

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