Chapter 4:The Cheaters

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The morning of that kiss between Ian and Elizabeth.Ian ran to go say sorry to Cheyenne,once we filled him in on what happened last night since he was to drunk to Remember. Cheyenne was happy that kiss didn't happen on purpose. I saw Ian and Elizabeth behind someone's house ducking I didn't know what was happing between them but I wasn't getting involved. Me and Chris have been moving all his stuff into my house because we decided that he should move in to my house. Apparently we are going to a party and Pauly d is our Dj. I'm siked I love that show and Angle says he has a surprise for Sydney, I really don't know what it is. For the party I invited Chynarose and Nathan.
Today everything is perfect I was Making Chris Eggs, and bacon, and pancakes. but I was mad because he didn't help and I hate cooking it's so much work BUT I LOVE PANCAKES! Chris got up out his chair kissed me and said he was gonna wait for my mom at the airport, she is coming into town to see us and I won't go because I need to clean EVERYTHING. Every time she comes I freak out she always criticize everything! KNOCK KNOCK! Sydney was at my door happy as ever. When I open the door she jumps on me and starts to cry. I did not know what was happing all of a sudden Ian shows up at my door behind Sydney and ask for a really good close by restaurant, I thought he was taking Cheyenne but I didn't know what he was gonna do. I told him to do to Kobe. He ran away behind a differnt house. Sydney grabbed me and pulled me into the room and closed the door and said "IM PREGNET!!!!"
"OMG! 😮 for real?" Said Claudia
"YES!" Said Sydney
Wha--how--OMG!!!!!!! Said Claudia
"Angle is the father and we are so happy I'm 3 weeks PREGNET" said Sydney.
Okay said Claudia
I was tired so I let Sydney out oft house and went up to my room. I was getting ready for bed so I went to close the blinds,I saw Elizabeth and Ian kissing and hiding behind the garbage cans.

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