Chapter 5:The fight just started

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Cheyenne ran over to Elizabeth's house and took a knife.She rang the door bell and Elizabeth walked over to the door and opened it saying politely "hello", Cheyenne cut her on the arm and jumped on her, both girls on the floor rolling around and Cheyenne was calling Elizabeth a "Slut" and Elizabeth was calling Cheyenne a "stupid-ass little un-mature bootyhole" (I'm sorry I'm the Author sorry to interrupt but that was funny to me lol now back to the story lol bye) Chris was passing by and the door was wide open and he saw a knife and ran in to stop it. He grabbed Cheyenne,who was on top of Elizabeth.Cheyenne pushed him away with the knife in her hand and accidentally cut his arm and he still managed to take them off of each other and call the police.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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