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Third POV

Todoroki finally arrived home to which he found a sleeping Deku.

He looked so peaceful.

A slight crumb was on his cheek as the blanket was pulled over him.

Todoroki didn't feel like waking him up for their daily routine so he carried Midoriya upstairs, placing him on the bed.

He changed then got into bed facing Midoriya.

He closed his eyes, pulling the covers over himself he felt a pair of arms wrap around him.

He looked at Midoriya, who seemed to be getting comfortable snuggling his face into Todoroki's chest.

Todoroki sighed as he brushed back Midoriya's hair back and he laid down.

"If you are lonely just call me, we can be lonely together..." Midoriya mumbled.

For some reason, that got to the candy cane colored man.

The next morning~

It was 5 am when they woke up, as Todoroki got ready, Deku following right with him.

This time arriving to work on time they headed to Todoroki's office, seeing as that no one had arrived yet.

" so... not alone huh?" Todoroki asked as he pulled Midoriya by the waist closer.

Taking a seat on him, Deku scooted closer towards him, as he then kissed Todoroki.

" yeah, I know, now stop talking." Midoriya answered, as he then began to kiss his boss.

He knew what his boss was hinting at, how odd it must've sounded.


They made out for approximately 10 minutes before they heard talking.

" We'll continue this later." Todoroki whispered in Deku's ear before Deku got up and headed out.

"Oh hey Midoriya , I didn't know you were here, speaking of which happy birthday, party?." Said a pinkette.

That's right today was his birthday, July 15th, something he dreaded the most.

Her name was Mina Ashido, she usually wasn't on this floor of the building, she came with Uraraka who was beginning to hang up her stuff for the day.

Deku only shrugged.

"Well, it's not like I wanna be here anyway, couldn't sleep so I came here- and thanks but you know I no longer do parties." Deku answered, his expression bored.

" oh Deku happy birthday, oh and you know how I'm moving, right?" Uraraka spoke, straightening her jacket.

Deku nodded.

" do you think you'd be able to help me?" Uraraka questioned. "I kinda have a lot of stuff that I wanna take before the movers come by."

"Yeah sure, what time?"

"Erm, I'd say probably tomorrow morning since none of us have work then." Uraraka confirmed.

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