The Package

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"You're a pretty little girl, do you know that?" Tidus asked Bonnie who was rocking back and forth slowly.

She was tired but scared to sleep. She wanted her brother and her mother at this very moment.

"You have these beautiful bright eyes and light tone. Boys love that." Tidus continued.

"Beautiful." Tidus finished and walked away.

Bonnie stares at Tidus with anger. She was scared of him but she was it made her angry how he acted towards her.

Five knocks came at the door.

Bonnie's small body shot up faster than a bullet.

Otis picked up a gun and went to the door.

"Phillip!" Bonnie yelled.

"Shut up girl!" Guss ordered.

"It's Jone, Boss." Otis told.

Guss nodded and Otis opened the door and immediately Bonnie started to scream.

"Help me please!" "HELP!"

"I see y'all got a pretty one." A dark man about thirty something walked in. He wore all black and he looked liked a rich businessman. He was freshly shaved and put together. Well cleaned.

He walked over to Bonnie and put his hand to her face.

"Can you help me please? I've been kidnapped." Bonnie pleaded.

"I wish I could take you little girl, but I'd have to pay some real good money and you're a little out of my budget." The man that was named Jone chuckled.

"She ain't for sell anyway." Guss said letting out the smoke from his blunt. He had a serious face and didn't look happy.

"Oh well that's too bad." Jone quickly walked away and handed Guss a large package. Otis handed him what looked like a package of something flat, but Bonnie couldn't make it out. Joke left silently and Tidus perked up.

"Alright let's bounce." He said.

"Go get the car." Guss ordered Tidus who was eager to do so.

"What's that?" Bonnie asked Guss.

"None of your business, just know you'll be doing it soon. It's time you learn some business." Guss chuckled to himself.

End of This Chapter

Phillip GreyWhere stories live. Discover now