Phillip's Angel

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"Now tell me what you did, boy." Housy asked while driving. Phillip took a deep breath and held onto his bruised head that still lingered of never ending pain. He lied his head on the window feeling tired and relief at the same time.
"Thank you for helping me." Phillip said.
"What did you do? Why are they after you? Tell me you're innocent, tell me I'm not helping a criminal." Housy went on.
"I ain't do nothing. I swear."
"Thank God. Why are they after you?"
". . . They said I shot Mike and hurt my mother. I didn't do none of that. I swear."
"Alright, alright hush. Don't swear. Tell me where you're headed, and make it fast."
"To my parent's house. I have to save Jojo. He's got Jojo. He will hurt her." Phillip replied scared.
"What happened. Tell me everything and don't leave nothing out. If you leave anything out it won't help me or you. I just saved your ass and ruined mine." Phillip took a glance at Housy before spilling everything.

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