2. only you (and you alone)

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jumin was silent the whole ride home, unwilling to even answer driver kim. his face was stoic as his body was stiff. it was clear he was embarrassed from the scene that had happened with zen and didn't have any idea on how to cope with it.

he was embarrassed by how belittled his wife looked. how her eyes widened and lip quivered when zen hadn't a clue who she was. the heir never felt the need to bring her up, especially with the business he was in. people could easily label his wife a gold-digger and he knew how big of a toll it would have on her self esteem.

the pair had met at university, half a decade ago, in their economics class. jumin was who first became interested. the strong will she'd parade around class caught his eye in an instant. despite their shared crave for success, she was the opposite of him. she was emotional, it was easy to tell how she felt by her eyes. whereas jumin was cold and rarely showed any emotion, other than unimpressed.

his mind danced to a memory he often looked back to. a memory of when he knew he was in love. a memory so sweet, he held it high on a pedestal for its own glory. it wasn't anything flamboyant nor was it very romantic, and that's what jumin loved about it.

the two were working in the apartment jumin stayed in, or rather the penthouse jumin took shelter in. it was two months into their relationship, one could say it was when the honeymoon phase was at its strongest. however, this was when insecurities began to take root in their relationship.

"why don't you ever take a break from work?" the girl's voice rang through his head. jumin became completely enveloped in his mind.

"balancing both university and your father's company, are you sure you want to live a life like this?" concern was on her face as she pushed herself up from the floor, crossing over to the desk jumin had secluded himself to. it was organized to an extent. with the amount of papers, envelopes, computers on top of it, organization was subjective.

"i'm fine." jumin answered, his eyes glued on the screen of his computer. his fingers rhythmically tapped against the keyboard, he moved like a machine and even sounded like one, "shouldnt you be during your work?" jumin asked, sounding as if he were a strict parent rather than a concerned boyfriend.

"i didn't come over to do work." the girl mumbled, appearing behind him as her delicate hands pressed against his shoulders, "i came over to see you..." kate began to massage his shoulders, her thumbs pressing into his skin as she moved in circular motions.

jumin grunted in response, seemingly uninterested in her need to spend time with him, "you should've asked to come over then, to check if i was available."

"you're my boyfriend," her words were rooted with hurt as her hands dropped to her sides, "i shouldnt feel guilty for wanting to spend time with you." the words became softer with every passing syllable, waiting to see if he'd react with words that had emotions of love rather than disinterest.

jumin heard the tone of his girl, the clicking of his keyboard slowly came to a pause. his hands placing themselves in his lap, as he began to think. thinking about all he had done, all the work he had put before his girlfriend. even if it was something so minuscule, he would put it before her needs. rather focusing on his workaholic tendencies than the feelings of the one he loved, or even his own feelings.


he had never used the word before, not even to his own family. the word was one he had reserved for only one who truly deserved it. the student pursed his lips together as if he said the sacred word out loud rather than thinking it. silence began to grow thick before them as they both were hesitant to make the first move, the first reply. jumin pressed his foot against the floor of his desk, pushing his body weight to move the chair to face kate.

as their faces met, a surge of emotion had washed over jumin. she stood there, attempting to hide the tears that began to form; throwing her head back while sneakily sniffing her nose. she really cared for him. she cared for him so deeply that day, that she almost let tears flood just because he was busy.

with a sense of guilt, jumin opened his arms to her, "come here." he muttered softly. she paused as if she were debating whether or not she should move. but the both of them knew that she was aching for him to even acknowledge her romantically.

not long after, the girl slowly placed herself in his lap. her legs thrown over the side and her arms wrapped around his chest, supporting her so she didn't fall off. jumin placed his lips on top of her head, planting a kiss before resting his head on top of her's.

"i love you."


the man snapped out of his thoughts, lifting his head from the car seat in which he was laid back on. his gaze averted to his wife beside him who was now outside of the car, her head dipped inside the vehicle's door.

"we're home."

you weren't meant to see that ; jumin, mc, & zen love triangle fic Where stories live. Discover now