Chapter 3

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Hey, guys, okay so I know it's been forever, and I'm so sorry!!!!! Thank you for all the comments and votes!!!!! Also thank you for becoming a fan!!!!! But here's the next chapter!!!!! Hope you guys enjoy it!!!!!



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Luke filled my mind and I tried to picture what he looked like. All I could come up with was some really hot guy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Would he still like me if he ever met me in person? Or would I repulse him to the point where he couldn’t stand to be around me? Would I like him? Of course I would. I would never judge him for his appearance. Never. 

He’d called me Cinderella, but my life was far from Cinderella. In a lot of ways I guess you could compare it to that, but in all honesty it wasn’t. I didn’t have an evil stepmother, just a mother who was depressed and like to get drunk. But hey. You can’t pick your family.

Maybe I could dream about Luke and in my dream our fairytale would come true. But dreams are dreams and their never real, so who am I kidding?

Chapter 3

Time passed, and it seemed as if  I talked to Luke everyday. I felt comfortable with him, like I could tell him everything. I avoided my mom as much as possible. Her drinking was only intensifying. She would come home drunk every night, and if I didn't do what she asked, she hit me.

I didn't like this side of her, and I don't think I ever will. I miss my mom. The one who loved me, and the one I could go to about everything, This. This was different. She wasn't the same person anymore, and I hated it. I've learned to just stay out of her way and I'll be fine.

I've wanted to tell Luke about it. About everything. But I'm scared. I don't want him to think of any differently. A part of me is telling me he wont, but then there's that other part of me, telling me he will. So I haven't said anything.

I miss my dad more then anything and I wish I could see him, or at least know where he's living, but I can't. My mom has forbidden me to see him. I never thought I'd miss him so much, but now that he's gone, I do. A lot.

I got up and made my way downstairs, to eat a quick breakfast before heading to school. I had been talking to Luke for the past 3 or 4 weeks, and he seemed to make things better, so I looked forward to talking to him everyday after school.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and ate it, in less then 10 minutes tops. I washed my dishes and grabbed my bag. My mom had already left for work, so I didn't have to worry about her.

I mad my way out the door, and started walking to school. It wasn't that long of a walk, and it was good exercise, so I wasn't complaining.

I arrived at school 20 minutes later, and made my way down the hall, toward my locker. I looked up and saw Danielle Marie, standing there, looking as gorgeous as ever. Her long platinum blonde hair flowing gracefully down her back. She smiled at me and her perfect white teeth, gleamed when the light bounced off of them.

"Hey, Isabella." She said, still smiling.

"Hey, Danielle Marie. What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing. Same old, same old." She answered, with a flip of her hair.

"Same here..." I told her, trailing off, unsure of how to tell her about Luke.

Me and Danielle Marie told each other everything. But that's what best friends do right? They tell each other everything?

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