Day 2 Coat

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Kousuke and I walk into the store as he guides me through the maze of clothing racks all in rows with neatly hung clothes dangling from them. The whole store was decorated as to match the brand.

I looked amazed at the whole rooms aesthetic was somewhat overwhelming for me. This whole ‘rich people’ stuff is still fairly new to me even though I have been submerged in it for a couple of months now. I look at even the clothing hangers I estimated cost more than my own shirt. 

Kousuke and I finally arrived to the aisle on which Kousuke so eagerly dragged me too. I look at what he was motioning towards. I see a beige colored coat that looked almost identical to the one the dark haired male was wearing currently. The only main difference was the size and the fact is was more fitted compared to the one he was wearing. Kousuke looked at me with excitement

“I thought that since we were out shopping today I could get you a new coat since your current one is rather questionable.” An odd enfisie on questionable 

“So, you decided for us to wear matching jackets?” I ask accusingly.

“Well, I thought it would look as people say ‘cute’.” he said rataning a straight face.

I couldn’t help but muster a smile and began to snicker.

“What?” he asked brow raised.

I looked at him still giggling “You are such a big dork sometimes Kousuke.”

His pale face then gained some slight color “Whatever, do you want the jacket or not?”

I put my hands up reassuring him smiling “Yes, yes I do sorry Kou you just really are cute.”

His blush then intensifies and he turns away and rummages through the rack to find my size. After some time he finds the appropriate size and hands me the coat.

“Try it on.” he says sharply as if he is demanding me to do so. 

I proceed to take off the current jacket I am wearing and set it down on a chair accompanying a table in the corner of the aisle. I then put on the jacket feeling around in it trying to find the most comfortable way to set down my arms in it while straightening it out. Finally, being happy with the position of the coat I turn around and face Kousuke. 

“What do you think?” I ask inquisetly with a smile.

He looks at me for a moment staring, his azure orbs looking me up and down. I can’t help but notice his dark rich brown hair glow with the lighting of the room. Highlights of golden rod dance on the rim of his head. Then a sudden smile crept on his face and he exclaims.

“You look sensational Shin ae, purely sensational.”

I can feel my cheeks heat up a bit most likely way surpassing the light pink on his.

“Thanks Kousuke.” I smile.

He smiles back which is a rather rare reaction from him “Of course Shin ae anytime. However, shall we head to checkout?” he asks tilting open his hand hoping mine would join his.

“Of course.” I say smiling wide accepting his hand.

Kousuke proceeds to once again navigate us through the store to a granite countertop that was checkout. His hand is so warm as he holds my hand. His palms are so soft and delicate even though they have such an abnormally big size. Kousuke kindly converses with the lady behind the counter smiling and thanking her. 

We head out of the store both satisfied with our new purchase. 

“Thanks again Kousuke. For everything really.” I look up at him and grin wide.

“Again, anytime Shin ae. If you are ever in need of anything I will not wait and help.” 

My smile widens the fact knowing how much he truly cared about me making my insides warm. 

“I love you Kousuke.” I mutter under my breath looking away becoming flustered.

“What did you say?” he asked confused painted all over his face.

“Nothing, nothing! Don’t worry about it!”

The End!

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