Day 7 Surprise

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Even though today is my birthday everything at work was rather normal. The main difference was the absence of Shin ae. Where is she today? Why would she miss today of all days when she knew I would be leaving early. Something about it really bothers me but I can't put my finger on it. She didn't even tell me this morning she was going to miss work. How could we have such a lack of communication when we are supposed to be dating? I have been feeling uncomfortable about this all day. However, she did send me a Happy Birthday text but then I dismissed her telling her to not worry about getting me anything. Did I scare her off? My head hurts so much thinking about it.

I was wished a 'Happy Birthday' here and there but nothing much. I have never been fond of my birthday. It has always brought back unwanted memories of when I was young. It also reminds me of how cold I was to my younger brother. I know I did those things in the past but they still affect me today. I sit back down in my chair tapping some papers together on my desk then stapling them. I click on the little mic button on the work phone and call in Assistant Jayce. He comes in and asks

"Yes sir what can I do for you?" He asked confused

"Please have these papers filed I will be heading home now."

He smiles "Yes sir." and swiftly leaves the room.

I know Shin ae isn't here but even knowing that it feels like a part of me is gone. Even if the office is tense and crazy when she is here she can destress me, reassure me and make me comfortable. Without her here I feel like that sudden tenseness is back and shadowing me following me everywhere I go. I really need to get out of this office now. I get up and push in my chair hopefully I can go home and relax. Maybe, I can call Shin ae and see what she has been doing all day and maybe she can come over.

I navigate through the office and enter the elevator and hear a ding as the metal doors slide open to reveal the lobby of the Hirahara Courp. Passing the receptionist which she gives me a nod and a smile as I exit the building. Heading to the parking garage and entering my car. Slowly taking the gear of park and the purr of the engine fills the space. Making an almost hypnotic sound as I drive out of the garage and down the street. I look up to the sky that surrounds my car. It really is beautiful tonight isn't it. I wish she was with me. I sigh and continue to fall under the hypnotic spell of the engine and continue to my apartment. I arrive and am suddenly woken from the spell as the valet asks to park my car. I nod and get out giving them my keys and some money with a hefty tip. It is my birthday today why not be extra generous.

Heading up the elevator to my apartment hearing the light sound of music. I exit and head to the door of my apartment. I take hold of the metal doorknob and slowly open it. Darkness surrounds the room making barley anything visible in the room. I turn on the lights slowly. Huh I don't remember turning off the lig-


I jumped at the sudden noise only to see Yeong gi, Soushi, Dieter, Hansuke and to my wonderful surprise my love Shin ae. Oh how much I missed her face. Even only not seeing her for a day was too much for me to handle. I am so glad to see her beauty it warms me up as a whole.

"Happy Birthday Kousuke!" Shin ae walks up to me a huge smile plastered on her whole face wrapping her arms around me.

I have never been one to enjoy my birthday or surprise parties but, I will let it slide this time Shin ae is here.

I smile at the girl "Thank you Shin ae." I say holding her in an embrace running my fingers through her soft silky hair.

"Okay, okay you love birds break it up." Yeong gi says smirking "You two really need to get a room."

Shin ae and I break the embrace and flush up. Did he really say that? When will he learn to shut up.

"I am only teasing! Anyway, Happy Birthday Kousuke we have your favorite dessert here tiramisu."

Did he just say tiramisu. Forget what he said earlier I forgive him as long as I can eat some of the luxurious, creamy, coffee flavored treat. I regain the normal color of my face and we all head to the kitchen and grab some tiramisu. Like what you would do with cake but instead tiramisu they put a candle in my slice and light it up.

Soushi says "On the count of three. One, two, three."

They all begin singing the song everyone receives on their birthdays.

"Happy Birthday to you~" I hear Shin ae above the rest.

"Happy Birthday to you~" How did I not know what a heavenly singer she was?

"Happy Birthday dear Kousuke~"

"Happy Birthday to you~"

They all finish the song and Shin ae looks to me.

"Make a wish Kousuke!" Shin ae exclaims

A wish? What do I want?

A grin goes across my face. I blow out the candle and I hear clapping from them all.

My wish is just to be with her.



I would normally end it here but since this is the last part for this years Yootip Week I will do a bit extra just to make it more special. I had a ton of fun this year writing these. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did writing them. And without further ado, let's continue.



After I opened up all the gifts that were given to me everyone had to start heading home. All at their different respective times they left one by one until it was only Shin ae and I. This is my chance to spend some more time with her I had missed her so much today I really need this to be refueled. Shin ae and I sit down on the couch and I turn on some TV and she snuggles up against my chest. I really just need to hold her that is enough for me.

"Hey Kousuke let's go get some snacks from the kitchen."

I nod in response to her and we head into the kitchen and begin searching the cupboards for chips and drinks. I decide on having a bit more tiramisu and Shin ae does the same. We sit at the island and eat together in silence. We head back to the couch and adjust ourselves and turn back on the TV.

After some time, I look to her and see she has fallen asleep. She is peacefully sleeping on my chest the raising a lowering of her chest and her light breath tickling my neck. I pick her up and slide around her laying her back down placing a blanket over her.

I lay a kiss on her forehead but then I am stopped by a sudden pull on my shirt. Bracing myself from ramming my head into hers a place an arm on the other side of her to cushion whatever pull was to come. I stare down at her glowing ruby eyes. The sweet smell of vanilla surrounding my senses dragging me into the girl below. I see her eyes flutter slowly to a close as do mine. Eventually our lips meet in one soft touch. I feel an arm go around my waist trying to push me up onto the couch. I decide to help out the arm and I get up on the couch. Her arm pushes me closer into the kiss and I take a hand and move some hairs from her face as I lower myself closer to her body.

I feel her warm hands rub down my back with a light but passionate touch. This girl really makes me go crazy. I move my head from the kiss and lightly kissed her neck. Her skin is so soft. I continue to melt into the feel of her skin on my lips. I sit up and stare at her basking in her beauty her perfect face and those soft yet determined eyes. I can't get enough of her. Unfortunately, I restrain myself before I do anything more and just snuggle into her chest as she plays with my hair.

I hear her whisper in a soft sweet tone "Happy Birthday Kou may all your future Birthdays be bright."

I slowly drift off to sleep in her arms.

Everything finally feels right.


Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed this years Yootip Week from me. I will be making a closing chapter after this but after that this story will be finished.

Anyway see you next chapter!😁

Yootip Week 2019Where stories live. Discover now