Day 6 Perspective

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Meg Pov

Every time look at them, I can’t help but feel jealous. They have what I wish I had with him. I wake up in this same bed every morning knowing I don't have him at my side. I don't resent Shin ae but I will not lie I wish I was her. I know Kousuke denies having any special relationship with her. 

I know he is lying.

I head in for my weekly check up on Kousuke they let me have a pass and I head through the little office around little cubicles till I reach his office. The sign on the left reading Kousuke Hirahara Head of Finance. I yell out 

"Kousuke~ I am here to see you!" 

Only to see Kousuke and Shin ae talking and laughing about work related topics and other things. As soon as he realizes my presence he stiffens up and stops talking. Shin ae notices this and says 

"Kousuke what is wrong-" only as she turns her head she realizes I am here. Kousuke and Shin ae sit in silence in my presence. Kousuke face being filled with annoyance and Shin ae just pure shock. Am I really that bad to them? Ignoring them and running up to Kousuke wrapping my arm around his.

"Kousuke I missed you so much!" He stiffness at my touch and then claws at my arm for me to release him.

"Meg, get off me this instant!" he snaps

Shin ae backs him up by saying "Yeah um Megan give him some space or we will have you removed from the premises."

There she goes using her authority over me. She really isn't that bad of a girl she just is in my way. I turn my head time hers and glare at her straight in the eyes.

"Stop that this instant Meg. Don't look at Miss Yoo in such a way!" Kousuke says rapidly getting more agitated and shoves my arm off his. 

I exclaim "It is all just in good fun! Don't worry about it Kousuke!"

He shakes his head "No this is unacceptable. Please can we just talk like civilized human beings." 

Shin ae looks to Kousuke and she smiles and mouths something that looks like 'calm down'. With this Kousuke sits back down in his seat and relaxes a bit. Are they really that close? 

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" With my voice Kousuke gets a little more tense again and snaps

"It is none of your business Meg. I now have to ask you to leave Miss Yoo and I have an important meeting to attend to."

He swiftly gets up grabs Shin ae's arm and basically drags her out of the room. Then slamming the door behind them. 

I stare at the door a horrible feeling pulling at my heart. Do they really hate me that much? That every time they see me they run and hide or ignore me. What am I doing with myself? 

I know I should move on from him but I can't help but love him. Is this even love or just pure adoration.

Kousuke gives her all his attention. Smiling to her laughing with her. Telling her how he really feels. And getting close enough where she knows just how to calm him down. 

I should really move on he will never like me anyway…

I walk out of the room and go back through the way I came. Outside I see them laughing together getting in his car and then driving away. I turn away and think.

They are perfect for each other. As long as there happy I am.

I then walk away from the building never looking back.

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