2019, feb, wk 7, prt 2

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payno added zayn into the group chat


tommo: well well well

zayn: alright lad?

tommo: yeah alright.

zayn: by the way, i thought i should tell you, i'm on niall and liam's side.

zayn: sorry man

tommo: so you're not talking to harry now either?

zayn: not like i was before now. but yeah.

tommo: you three are all so stubborn

nialler: we're not

nialler: we just don't like seeing you hurt

tommo: i'm not hurt though

payno: you are lou.

payno: it's ok.

payno: you can be upset over it.

payno: you guys were going to get married.

payno: that's something that will take time to get over

tommo: please don't remind me

zayn: it's fine, we'll stop talking about it.

zayn: right li?

payno: .... fine

nialler: so zayn, when are you coming to england?

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