2019, july, wk 27, prt 2

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payno: gonna tell us why we wrote that on our instagrams?

hazzabear: you wanna tell them lou?

nialler: tell us i need to know

tommo: harry and i

tommo: are

zayn: together?

payno: dating?

nialler: a couple? :)

tommo: writing an album together.

payno: that's awesome!

zayn: so what was that stuff on our pages?

hazzabear: the lyrics to our first single.

hazzabear: featuring liam payne, zayn malik and niall horan

hazzabear: if you guys are keen

nialler: of course i'm in! those lyrics are amazing!

zayn: i'd love to !!!

payno: not even a question.

hazzabear: since we're both signed with columbia, they're cool with our duo album, and i'm really excited for it.

tommo: me too!

nialler: that's amazing lou.

tommo: i actually really miss singing. even though i did it for a movie last year, the last time i sang and felt ok about it was a really long time ago.

tommo: but i'm excited to get back out in the ring!

zayn: that's what we like to hear!

payno: we're proud of you lou.

nialler: so proud.

zayn: you've really improved and become a better you in the last 3 months and it's so amazing to see.

hazzabear: words can't even express how proud i am of you and your achievements in the last 3 months.

hazzabear: they might seem small to you, but every time you slept a little longer, spoke on the phone to your family for a couple more minutes, or smiled a little brighter, i couldn't help but feel so so proud of you.

tommo: i really really love you guys.

zayn: we love you too lou.

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