2019, aug, wk 32, prt 2

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payno: so how's everything going boys?

hazzabear: great

tommo: album is going amazing!

tommo: harry and i have got some amazing songs written out

tommo: taylor swift wants us to do a cover of 'lover'

tommo: she begged us

hazzabear: ed's given us any song he's ever written for us to do a cover of

zayn: wow

zayn: so the album will be like, covers and your own songs?

tommo: i guess

nialler: i have a song

nialler: i was going to put it on my new album, but i wrote it about you guys, so i want you to have it.

nialler: it won't be a cover. it's for you.

tommo: ni.. you don't have to do that.

nialler: i want to.

nialler: it's called 'too much to ask'

payno: i have one.

hazzabear: guys we appreciate it, but this is too much.

hazzabear: we don't want to take your songs...

payno: you're not taking it if i'm giving it to you

payno: it's a christmas song

tommo: no, i can't

tommo: i know how much you've wanted a christmas song

payno: come on lou, at least cover it.

hazzabear: before you've released it?

payno: sure. i don't care.

zayn: i wish i had a song to give you guys

tommo: are you kidding me?

tommo: please don't write us a song

tommo: this is too much

tommo: i'm overwhelmed with love right now

tommo: i can't take anymore.

zayn: i'll save it then ;)

tommo: for when?

zayn: not important

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