Chapter 1

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You reluctantly look up at the giant brick building towering over you. At the end of the sidewalk, a sign that reads 'Addison Apartments' sways almost as if it's beckoning you inside. Hesitantly, you walk up the cracked sidewalk towards a mossy green door. The feeling the building gives you almost makes you nauseous but instead you chalk it up to nerves.

'Get yourself together, Y/N. This isn't a big deal, this isn't your first rodeo' you silently tell yourself. You shake your head, your h/c locks dance over your face. Taking a deep breath, you place your hand on the door handle and open it cautiously. Hopefully nobody saw your stupid inner monologue. That would be embarrassing.

Upon peering inside it looks normal. There's a sort of lounge area with a bookcase and chairs with a table and a desk to the left and to the right is a recycle and mailbox area. You inspect the mailbox area to see how many rooms there are when you notice one is marked off with yellow tape.

'Weird, must be an empty room' .

You must've been staring at the mailboxes for too long because you heard someone behind you clear their throat out lightly. You turn around and are faced by a tall, balding blue haired man with a scraggly beard and a beer gut. His eyes are the same piercing blue. He shifted his weight on his heels as you stepped aside.

"Sorry sir, I didn't mean to be in your way. I'm new around here and was just checking things out" your voice squeaked out.

His seemingly annoyed stare was pulled into a relaxed expression and he almost seemed to be smiling.

"It's fine, my son is like that too. Gets so lost in his own thoughts he wouldn't be able to tell if there was a brick wall in front of him". His voice was deep and raspy. It sounded as if he was the world's most tired man. The bags under his eyes made it that more apparent.

"My name's Y/N, by the way. Would you know where I can go to speak to someone about getting a room here?"

"Yes, actually, on this very floor a little down the hallway there's a door with a mail slot on it just to the right of the elevator. Room 103. Just knock on it an Mr. Addison would be more than happy to assist you." He shuffled around in his pocket until he pulled out a set of keys and went to unlock the mailbox numbered 402.

"Thanks Mr.-" You trailed off not knowing what exactly to call him. It would be weird to keep calling him Sir, especially since you'd be living in the same building as him.

"Fisher. Henry Fisher. And it's my pleasure" he smiled. The corners of his eyes wrinkled up as he smiled.

With that you wondered down the hall to the door labeled 103. You knocked on the door and a small slot opened with a creak. It revealed a man with his eyes crinkled up. You could only assume he was smiling. His eyes held a twinkle as if he was thinking about something nostalgic.

"Good day. My name is Terrence Addison. Welcome to Addison Apartments, what may I assist you with?" His voice was lively and bubbly. A tone of amusement was laced in his words. He must really love his job. You bent down so you could be at more eye level with him, smiling.

"Hi there, I'm Y/N L/N. I was wondering if there are any rooms available to rent" you nervously fiddled with your hands.

"Of course! We have a few rooms open. All one bedroom, one bath. Will it be just you?"

"Just me".

"Terrific! We have 403, 404, 304, 201, and 204 available. All for a fairly cheap price. Electric, water, and cable included for $250 a month. Which one would best suit you?"

You stood there and thought remembering that you saw 403 in the mailbox area was taped off, so you had a hesitant feeling about it. You didn't also want to move onto the same floor as the blue haired male because you'd figure that would be weird.

"I suppose 204 would be fine. I have cash up front that would be necessary for first and last months rent for the lease". You saved up money working odd jobs before you got liberated from your parents, so you had a few grand saved up.

If this place works out, you could buy some cheap furniture from a nearby store to fill up the space.

"Great! How soon would you like to move in?"

"As soon as possible please" you said, pulling a hefty manila bubble envelope out of your backpack you were carrying.

"You said it was $250 a month? Here's $500 for first and last, how much would the security deposit be?"

"Since it's just you, I can do $90 on that".

"Alright, thank you very much." A stack of forms was poking out of the slot with a pen on top. You handed him the necessary money and went to the lounge area to fill out the paperwork.

You placed your ID on the paper before going back to hand in the papers so he could scan it for documentation.

Mr.Addison disappeared for a few moments before returning with your ID and a set of keys.

"Thank you!" You smiled.

"Not a problem my dear Y/N. I hope you enjoy living here and have a wonderful rest of your morning. Good day," he said and the slot was closed on you.

Now all you needed to do was register at the nearest high school and get some furniture.

You just got back from the cheap-o furniture store and ordered a couch, a small TV and TV stand and a bed and dresser and a few small tables. It was set to deliver later tonight.

"I should probably get some groceries and look for a part-time job" You thought.

You walked around town and found a nice cafe inside the local library that was hiring.

Job? Check. Furniture? Check. Place to stay? Check. Friends? Che- well, that still needed worked on.
Hopefully things won't be too miserable at this new school and you can adjust quickly. It would be weird you registered yourself in the middle of the school year and struggled with getting friends.

You at least hope kids at this school would be more friendly than your last school.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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