Appalachian Army

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The army from it's early days was mainly composed of ragtag militia members and survivors from vault 76 who had served in the armed forces.

   When they managed to repair the camp McClintock facility they managed to at least get the force up to prewar training standards. They had the training now they needed equipment.  All the equipment they had was either pre war vintage or newly made in small numbers thanks to enterprising gunsmiths from the vault.

    Then a scouting group found a treasure trove. One Colt firearms company factory in relatively good shape.  And there were a couple of good prototype weapons there. Once they were put through testing they were accepted into service by the army.  There was even a 1911 assembly line at the factory.

The scouts also found the remains of an army depot it contained vehicles, APCs, Tanks, Howitzers, Helicopters and other equipment that the pre war military was saving. With the help of the archives, manuals there and some input from MODUS, they finally had proper artillery and some armored forces.

It was found that power armor had not in fact replaced the tank. While yes power armored infantry were basically walking tanks. They cannot be used to exploit breaks in the enemy defensive line as they are infantry after all. They still had the triad that tanks had to deal with: Armor, Firepower and Speed. while Power armored infantry are more maneuverable than a MBT they are limited in firepower as they cant carry a long range infantry support weapon bar the upgraded fatmans. They also cant stand up to a tanks cannon and the army found that keeping tanks around was a good idea.

One thing the army found was a chemical weapons depot containing various canisters, shells, rockets and bombs containing Sarin, Mustard, White Phosphorus, and most dangerous of all VX nerve agent. Having no way of disposing the weapons, they are maintained in a secure location.

The army and airforce maintain QRFs around the area of fissure site prime and Watoga incase the scorchbeasts come back. With a large assortment of AAA, artillery, and troops stationed at the camp around the areas.

Infantry Small Arms

M14 Battle Rifle

M14 Battle Rifle

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