Chapter 3

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I run a five mile course every morning. It was something that Anna had suggested and I ended up loving it. Running helped me quiet the noise in my head. It was the closest I could come to freedom in this new life. I was a mess back then. Even though I knew my tormentor was dead and Carravar was as safe as it could be, I couldn't get out of the house. When Anna first suggested running, I got a treadmill. It took me almost a year of therapy to be able to feel safe enough to run outside. Once I did, I didn't want to go back on the treadmill. Running outside was simply...more. It was wind and freedom and joy. Running like a bat out of hell may not be everybody's idea of fun, but it's mine. I relish that feeling when you've pushed your body so hard that it's ready to keel over and vomit. It makes me feel alive. I also carry a taser and pepper spray with me on my runs. Always. 

As I reach the end of my trail, I notice an old truck in front of one of the cabins. Then I remember that Sara had told me about the guy who lived in old Wesley's cabin. As I empty my water bottle, the door opens and a tall guy comes out with a trash bag. I freeze in fear. What if he's a serial killer? Nobody knew anything about him. What if he saw me? The closest neighbours are a ten minutes walk away. What if he tries something? I touch my pepper spray to reassure myself that I can put enough distance between us if he came closer. I wasn't fifteen anymore. I knew self defence and was capable enough to buy myself some time to get the hell away. And I will get away. Never again will I let myself be taken. All of this goes through my head in a flash and by the time I'm done with my mental talk and brace myself to say hi, he's gone back inside. 


Not a talker it seems. I remember Brand telling me that he was a looker. I feel a small pang of regret in the back of my mind as I never got to check if that were true or not. Not that I was interested in him like that, but I am one of those people whose curiosity override their sense. Damn! Maybe next time, I promise myself as I run back. 

"Lee, Sara called" Delilah informs me as I prepare bacon and eggs for breakfast. 

"She's ditching me, isn't she?"

From Delilah's quiet laughter, I know that I'm right. I also knew I should have stopped her after that fifth shot. I'll remind myself to do that next time. Sara and I ride to school together. I don't own a car as I prefer walking everywhere and Delilah takes the one she has to the store. 

"Looks like you're dropping me off today" I tell her as I set the plates. 

"Don't request me or anything". She mutters.

"You won't tell me no. That's why you're my favorite aunt." I kiss her on the cheek.

"I'm your only aunt, sweet talker." we start digging into our breakfast. 

"I need you to go grocery shopping today." 

The thing about Delilah, she hates grocery shopping and ever since I started going outside after the incident, it has always been me. Not that she wouldn't do it herself if I wanted to bail. But I was happy to do that for her. 

"As you like it, mistress. I'm but your humble servant" I tell her with a straight face and she spews her orange juice all over the table. 

"Lee! You are not too old for me to whack you over the head, young lady." She sputters in between fits of cough. 

"Alright. Alright. I'll clean it up." I raise my hands in the universal gesture of surrender and get up.

"Lee." She calls. 

"I do love you, child." She says when I look at her questioningly.  I don't know why, but I have to furiously blink away the tears that suddenly fill my eyes. Delilah and I both tell each other I Love You every day. Maybe it's the nightmare or the weird feeling from last night, but I'm suddenly so grateful for her and all that she's done for me. We are the only family each other has left. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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