who knew that stars could bleed?

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you drown your sorrows in the blood bath of your bottled wine
i swallow the earth's sorrows through a plastic straw held between my lips because i don't care for saving a planet that isn't mine

you compare me to a neutrino: a ghostly particle, thought to be massless because i am no longer compared to the statuesque rays of sunlight. the word sunshine still lingers on your chapped lips because i come from the sun and pass through your body every day without a second thought from you. a neutrino's interaction with human tissue is next to zero, so you say!

you dare rise in the early morning and bathe in the milk of your source of life on earth, caressing my every bump and curve with your eyes closed, shunning my very existence

you lay on your back with your arms tucked beneath your head, ogling up at your moon that does nothing for you but reflect my light and my love

now i rise and pour my wounds onto your flawed, cratered moon as it succumbs into the river of my sanguine fluid so i can finally give you a real blood moon

there, you witness the waves' final crash as gravity hauls them at their feet back into the earth's core, silence suddenly dawning all around you

your horrified irises follow the crimson droplets protruding out of the thick sheet of clouds and you wonder where the moonlight has vanished to

i watch as the oceans turn red and the clouds fall from the sky, collapsing onto the land in poisonous puddles of venom

i scrutinise your teary eyes which, at last, detect me shining up above in glory and rage but from the sun i am born and from the sun will i live so i finally part with you and return home, to the star in which i was conceived, my fingers wrapped around your bottled cruor tears in which i sip through my plastic straw

- the jealous sun

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