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*Delirious' POV*
I shut the door and locked it while Evan was still standing there I sighed and started to cry again I sat back down holding a pillow and crying
Alex then walked in unlocking the door he had taken the spare key for whenever he wants to come over
He saw me crying and sighed before coming over and hugging me
Alex:Baby what's wrong?
Delirious:I-it's nothing
I said quietly he sighed again
Alex:Baby you can't just be crying for no reason now tell me what's wrong?
Delirious:Evan was here and I had to Shut the door on him and act harsh towards him because you don't want me being friends with him or the others!
I said frustrated I moved away from him and I felt annoyed I then felt a stinging pain again as he slapped me but harder then last time
Alex:I told you not to talk to me like that! I'm only doing what's best for our relationship!
Delirious:a relationship has to have trust in it! But you can't even trust me and my friends to hang out so you block them on my social media's and Delete their numbers! I don't get why you don't trust me!
Alex:I do trust you!-
Delirious:If you do then why can't I talk to them?!
Delirious:You say you trust me but if you really did? You wouldn't have deleted their numbers or block them off of my social media's..You know we've all been friends for years..I don't get why you feel this way but I'm not gonna have it..I choose them..so please leave we are done
I then got punched in the face and fell on the floor
Alex:No I am Not leaving..neither are you
I scoffed and stood up
Delirious:I will call the police if you don't leave right now
Alex:Call them see what happens if you do
I grabbed my phone and dialed 911
Suddenly I was pushed to the wall groaning a little as it hurt my back a little hitting the wall
Alex:you aren't going anywhere your mine and only mine got it?
I wouldn't look at him as I was done with how I been getting treated by my so called boyfriend
He then grabbed my chin and made me look at him I sighed and rolled my eyes as I looked at him
Alex:I love you..-
Delirious:No you don't..if you did you wouldn't hurt me the way you do..you slapped me twice punched me in the face and pushed me against this wall..you threatened me because I said I'd call the police..you won't allow me to talk to my best friends..because your jealous or something..so no you don't love me..
He sighed and pushed me and walked out leaving my apartment I sighed in relief and sat back down and decided to watch YouTube I can luckily still watch the guys's videos so I did I then laid down on the couch and fell asleep
*Vanoss' POV*
As the guys got to my house for game night I kept hoping Del would show up and say it was just a joke what he said..then a knock was at the door I jumped up and answered it only to find the pizza man delivering us our pizza I sighed a little as I got my hopes up and payed him taking the pizza and then closing the door putting the two boxes of pizza down on the coffee table and sat down feeling Upset a little
Terroriser:You alright Evan?
Vanoss:I keep hoping that he'll show up and say it was a joke about what he said..
Terroriser:What did he say? And who said it?
Vanoss:Delirious...I couldn't see his posts or anything Wildcat couldn't either so I went to see if he was alright..I told him that and asked if he knew anything that happened that's why we couldn't see anything he said he didn't know that maybe he just didn't wanna talk to us anymore I asked what he meant then he told me to go away then shut the door before I could say anything..and when he talked to me he said it harshly..that's not the Jonathan I know..or knew..
Terroriser:Well Ev I don't know what I could do or could say..
Vanoss:I know this probably would sound crazy..but when he answered the door his eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying..and he had a mark on his face like he was slapped or something..
Terroriser:Your not saying what I think your saying..?
Vanoss:I think that Del is in a bad relationship..Alex has never liked any of us..I can tell..Especially me..
Brian (Terroriser) then stood up and turned to the guys
Terroriser:Guys we need to go
Moo:Go where?
Terroriser:Del is in an abusive relationship..we need to help him
Daithi:Are you sure man? I mean Alex seems to treat him well and seems to care about him a lot..
Terroriser:Well What Evan has just told me is concerning me a little so I can't just trust that Alex "Treats him well" or "Alex seems to care about him a lot" that's what we think..but what we don't know is he could be getting hurt..So I'm not taking that chance of thinking Evan could be wrong and just not caring..if he is getting hurt it'd be best for us to do something Now
He then grabbed his jacket and car keys and walked out I put my shoes on and grabbed my jacket following them the guys followed with their shoes on along with their car keys and jackets on
We all drove to Jon's apartment and went in
He was sleeping on the couch his eyes still puffy but more then I had seen earlier We then walked over and woke him up he sat up and looked confused until he realized it was us that was there
Delirious:What are you guys doing here?
Terroriser then explained to him
He then sighed a little frustrated
Delirious:Alex wouldn't do that..he loves me..and cares about me he'd Never hurt me..
I was then going to talk  before Alex walked in

A/N:I was going to write more but didn't want to write too much..I don't prefer to write more or less then I usually do so I stopped this part here..that's all I wanted to say Bye!

In love with my bestfriend H20VanossWhere stories live. Discover now