Dark Virus's Quote #3

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Quote: "Alive is not a destiny but a simple purpose."

Definition: To be alive is not simply a predetermined fate, but rather a profound and meaningful purpose. It is the spark that ignites our souls, the driving force behind every breath and heartbeat. It is what propels us forward, guiding us towards our true potential and ultimate fulfillment. Being alive means embracing all of life's joys and struggles, cherishing each moment as a precious gift, and finding purpose and meaning in the journey itself. It is a constantly evolving state of being that we must nurture and protect with every fiber of our being. For to be truly alive is to live with passion, purpose, and an unrelenting thirst for all that life has to offer."

Memoir: The concept of being "alive" seemed so straightforward, yet I couldn't help but feel conflicted. It was more than just a destiny or fate, but rather a purpose that I struggled to fully grasp. Was I truly living up to my purpose? Or was I simply surviving each day without truly understanding what it meant to be alive?

Fable: She had spent years feeling lost, trying to figure out her purpose in life. But as she sat on the beach with the warm sun on her face and the sound of crashing waves in the background, she realized that being alive was not about a predetermined destiny, but about finding and pursuing a simple purpose. She smiled, finally feeling at peace with herself and her journey.

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