Chapter 1

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Rayvis Klein- or Harneit as he was now titled, sighed with slight annoyance as his personal attendant(work related as well), Nico Meir, mentioned a marriage proposal to calm down rumors about him being 'cold hearted' so to speak. It wasn't like he cared what others thought, but it was good point.

"Your suggesting I do this to make me more approachable for others to gain my trust and I theirs."

"Rayvis you know that night is world it must be done. It's only for a little while. How can any man trust you to lead the night watchmen of Stein if you don't trust others around you first? Besides your a young bachelor, any maiden would be happy to accept-"

"Nico, I understand" he spoke a bit to harshly before calming down. "My apologies, you make a convincing argument. ... I also assume you have a specific maiden in mind?" He asked folding his hands on his desk. His brow lifting slightly in a knowing fashion.

"Why, how ever did you guess????" Nico says sarcastically with a laugh. "I grew up with a matchmaker aunt, sue me. Now there is one that I'm sure will gain just enough attention." He spoke confidently before dramatically pausing, "Odette Daaé". Rayvis froze in shock as Nico saw the realization striking hard. "I saw the way you looked as she sung for the Wysteria king. Your captivated by her beauty and her personality. It was hard for you to look away from her, especially when she revealed her kind heart over and over again. Face it Rayvis, your infatuated!"

Those words rang truth deep in his gut. It was silly for him to reveal that much in one evening(Though Nico was a unique one to spot these things where others would just be oblivious). But he was infatuated with her. How different from other woman she seemed to be.

"Why her? How will she cause less attention than any other women?" Rayvis noted the solemn expression Nico gave.

"She's a lonely one. I asked sand others practically shun her. Odette has sung for the king and yet isn't as accepted among others. But in Stein all they will hear, is her vocal concert to royalty she gave. It gives just enough attention while also being private."

After hearing that, it only took one evening for him to think it over. Obliging to the proposed idea. When he heard of her acceptance, Rayvis made a goal: to help her. And perhaps over the course of their lives he will fall in love with her truly as he hoped she will return the feeling. He may have a cold demeanor but he wasn't entirely cold hearted as some were meant to believe. He was firm and knew how to get what he needed. But to say he didn't care for others as a normal human would, is just a lie.

The evening she was to arrive, he was pouring over paperwork. Suddenly a loud knock was heard and his door bursted open. Rayvis looked up to see a distraught Nico.

"Rayvis, something has happened. Your needed right away."

Soon he found himself with an unconscious Odette, in his arms while walking into his mansion. Nico went to fetch the doctor. He ordered his maids to get her room prepared for herself and the doctor. Twenty minutes soon had passed when the doctor and Nico arrived.

After an hour waiting and Rayvis pouring over a letter he was writing(about the tragedy that became of her parents), the doctor was finally finished.

"She will live and recover, however the blow to her head caused great trauma. Though her external injuries are minor, I'm afraid to say that she will lose her memory. However the good news is that with time, she will remember everything."

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