Chapter 2

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A year had passed since that night. Odette, wearing a simple maid attire, leaned gently to dust off the library books. She smiled as she found a book that seemed to be calling out for her to read, 'La Belle et la Bête'. Sighing she set it down as her gaze quickly reached Rayvis'.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"You may read anything you wish too read." He spoke gently to her. "I believe I promised that to you a year ago." Odette nodded in remembrance and curtseyed while giving a small 'Thank you'. Walking in he gave her a pink, thornless rose. Every month he would give one to her. But before she could thank him again, he asked a question. "Would you like to dine with me tonight and perhaps take a stroll?" Her blush gave much of an answer, still he wanted to hear her voice.

"I would be delight Rayvis." She spoke softly, accepting the rose with a smile. She looked forward to the times he would give her a rose. It would be at the end of the month, every month. At least for the past year.

A year ago she had woken up without any recollection of herself besides the name Odette. Flashes of memory here and there sparked from time to time, but it was gone like a dream. All she knew was that Rayvis had saved her and gave her a job in his home. As well as a place to stay. Working hard was the least she could do to thank him.

And it wasn't before long that she began to have feelings for him. His determination, strength, and gentle soul(not to mention how handsome he looked), was just the beginning of his much she had fallen for him. But she kept it secret since he was of higher status than herself. Still she hoped it would be more than a dream.

As the sun set, a knock on her door was heard. She opened it to find Nico standing there with a big box.  "Hello Nico, please come in." Stepping aside for him to enter.

"Compliments of Rayvis, though I did help with the idea." Nico teased as it made Odette laugh and giggle. But she soon stood in awe as he revealed a beautiful rose pink gown that flowed elegantly. "You. This dress. Wear. Tonight." Nico said getting to the point as if it wasn't so obvious.

"B-But I couldn't-" she began before being cut off.

"You can and you will. Consider me your personal fairy god-...godfairy." The word alone made Odette laugh even more. "Hey at least I can think quick on my feet." He added before escorting her towards her changing screen, leaving her behind it to get changed. For some reason it felt like Rayvis and Nico were her true friends in the entire world.

Even the other maids looked at her with pity and gossiped behind her. Stepping out she gave Nico a look to help with her corset. He was more than happy to help a good friend. Though he knew of her tragedy, she grew to be a dear friend to him. Almost like a little sister so to speak.

"Alright and... we're done!" Odette gasped as she saw herself in the mirror. Her hair cascaded down her back yet was half pinned up with flowers accenting her curls. Her dress made her feel as elegant as a proper lady. It felt all too much at one point and she looked away in tears. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she looked up at Nico and took a deep breathe smiling with him. He understood her situation and was there to listen. "Careful, I might steal you from Rayvis." He teased.

"Nico!!!!" She said swatting his shoulder playfully, yet that didn't stop her from laughing.

Within moments she was walking down the stairs towards Rayvis who gazed upon her like an angel walked into the room unexpectedly. She blushed and smiled sheepishly taking a deep curtsy. "Is it too much?" The question snapped him out of his daze.

"No, not at all." Gently he placed his fingers under her chin, encouraging her too look up. "Your beautiful, Odette." They held a gaze for a few moments before he lead her to the dining hall. There, they conversed about their day. She being curious on how well the new recruits are for the nightwatch. Himself on what new adventure she discovered in her stories. They enjoyed each other's company.

Later he convinced her to dance with him as Nico played on the grand piano. Though he could tell she was embarrassed from certain clumsy steps, he didn't mind in the least. It was quite charming for him to see. During the last song, she had placed her head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat in rhythm with the music. Partway he had wrapped both his arms around her and gently swayed with her to the music. When the last note rang out, he lead her towards the garden.

The moon was full and radiant, so quiet and peaceful as well. It was perfect for a quiet stroll. Though it was a bit nippy and Rayvis could see she was shivering slightly. Sliding off his cape, he draped it around her shoulders. She smiled while blushing once again. But then he heard a slight sigh coming from her.

"Is everything alright?"

"Oh everything is wonderful, I'm truly grateful for all that happened. But... I'm sorry... it's just... it's been a year since I lived here and tonight's the night I-..."

"You don't have to say anything, I understand what you mean."

"But it's been a year Rayvis, apart from knowing I was riding with my parents in that carriage and there-...passing I still don't know who I am." Odette took a step towards a rose bush while looking up at the moon. "What if all my memories left with them?..." a gentle hand was placed upon her shoulders. She turned too see the same ocean blue eyes that captivated her heart. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I am thinking if this now...well maybe because this isn't the first terrible even happen to me in this garden..." that last part she mumbled but he heard clear as the moon.

"What terrible thing happened to you here?" Her eyes widened as she realized what she spoke out loud. Knowing him there was no use denying anything. "A gentleman of high social class came and said he was looking for you... but it was odd so I told him the truth, gave a curtesy before politely going back to my work. Suddenly I felt his hands on me... he had-...he placed his hands down my skirt and tried to-" she looked  away with closed eyes. "Before he tried groping my chest... I screamed and thankfully Jaqueline cane to save me. So he didn't...harm me in that way. But it was so close... I begged to keep this secret because I was afraid you would through me out. I'm sorry I didn't mean to deceive you-"

Odette stopped when she realizing she was in Rayvis' embrace. His hand stroking her hair gently. It made her aware of how jagged her breathing was and helped her calm down. As if to say he wasn't mad at her. Moments passed before he heard him spoke again.

"I once was invited to the Wysteria ball three years ago." He began as he tried to focus her mind elsewhere. "It was terribly droll" he mentioned causing her to laugh off some of the tension that grew. "But there was one even that happened to catch my attention. A mysterious, young, aristocrat woman had been chosen to sing at his majesty's ball. It soon became clear as to why. Her voice was that of an angel. Every should was captivated by her ethereal beauty and heavenly song. And for a brief moment I caught her attention. Something inside me awakened that day."

"What was it?" Odette asked softly as she looked up with curiosity.

"Hope. Hope that he would be loved as she was in that moment by everyone around her." He smiled while caressing her cheek. "Once she had finished performing her melody, she began to mingle with the crowd, Bowing politely and showing the kindness of her heart. I soon had enough of the crowd and turned to walk back towards my carriage-"

"When she spoke out to you saying 'Is this your craves pin?' " Rayvis froze, knowing he never told anyone that. She gasped as if a door that was once locked, opened up for her. Smiling through the tears she continued. "It was the exact one your wearing tonight. I was so sure it was important to you, I didn't want you to loose it."

"So you-"

"Rayvis-... I remember!" Her excitement as her hand covered her heart with joy in her eyes. "You also awakened something inside me Rayvis... hope for someone to love me as myself." With those words he reached out, wiping away the tears that fell down her cheeks.

"I love you, Odette."

"I love you, Rayvis."

The same gaze that they shared years ago, happened again as they leaned into a gentle yet passionate kiss.

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