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My heart is thumping like crazy, it just can't stop. Why in the hell I'm attending her wedding. I know that you already moved on but man the pain that you left, I just can't bear it anymore. I know there's a little of myself that you just can't let go, I mean look at you being with someone that you totally hate! And I know you're trying to forget because I'm too but the memories of ours are still vivid and won't fade away. That's why I'm here trying to be a man and make things go just the way it should. I don't want to see you with someone else anymore, so it's now or never. The time has come, the pastor already started the recitation and then there's me intercepting:

I object this wedding!
Before anyone starts saying anything,
It's me, I'm the one to blame,
Hey there baby, I know it's hard for us lately,
We argue all the time,
There's no point and look what we've done,
It's been a tough year for me,
Trying to reach out for you,
The messages that you left on read,
The calls that you always miss,
And those voicemails that you won't answer,
I'm begging you give me a minute,
Listen to what I've to say and if anyone's going to call me crazy, so be it!

Her parents won't let me finish, they called some "tough guys" that supposed to be the guards and dragged me out of the hall. I mean I knew I had this one coming but then my eyes started getting teary and then I yelled:

I love you!
And I know you haven't change too,
I've known you for years,
You can't keep this lying going,
Just to fulfill their (her parents) dreams,
You know yourself better then they do,
Because this is not you!
You're not smiling when you said I do,
So don't waste your time thinking about anyone else,
Because this is your life,
And it's all about you.

She told those guys to let me go. I took a deep breath and continued:

I don't need a second chance,
Because all I need is you,
You complete me the way I am,
And I want us the way we do,
So what if we argue?
Because that's what we always do,
We have opposite ways in settling things,
And that's why we're perfect together,
Suited for each other,
And this is neither about me nor about you,
It's always about us,
That motivates me to keep going through,
Because no matter what happens,
Everything will be better, when we are together.

So baby don't leave me hanging here,
You already know your answer,
Stop standing on the altar, I'm already here,
And will always be near,
Because I know you're feeling the same as I am,
So take my hand, reach for it while you can,
Leave all of these behind,
And never think of coming back ever again.

Maybe you think she will take my hand and do the same thing as I told her to? Nah, her parents then told me to get out and I went back home with the tears in my eyes thinking she'll be happier with someone else. I know I'm so messed up getting caught up in that moment but what can I do? At least I manned up for what's mine but the thought of having her back with me now is just a dream. I didn't even know what to do after all those shits I've made. All of my neighbors became distant with me and I've been thinking of moving out to escape from the current reality.

It's been a month after the ruckus I've made. Nothing has changed, I'm just the way I am but the house is now full of boxes and I'm ready to move out! Seeing myself for the last time through the door's glass made me thinking how stupid and brave I am to object someone's wedding. I took a last glance of my house and said goodbye because I knew I will never come back ever again. My car was ready to go, I picked up my last luggage and loaded it in. When I was about to get in, she came.

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