wondering around the city

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Its a very unusual day here in Gotham city. and by unusual i mean its very quiet here. no sound of traffic no one is in the streets or even in the subway. Literally no one in sight. As i walk down the dark alley i start to hear a tussling sounds coming from a near by abandoned house. And me being me i decided to take a look knowing dam well nothing good will come from me being curious. As i slowly make my way toward the noise i see the entrance to the abandoned home and let me tell you this house looks like crap a worthless piece of junk. Before i set foot in the direction of the entrance i take a look behind me to see if anyone is lurking behind. once i make sure no one is there. I proceeded to the entrance. Slowly i make my way toward the stair case. I made my way up the stairs and all of a sudden i hear a gun shot which made me lose my balance and fall back down the stair case causing me to injure my self pretty bad.i tried to pick my self up but failed miserably. So when i lost all strength to pick my self up i decided to crawl. With every inch of my body i made it to the side of the house where its completely pitch black.as i tried to adjust my self against the wall i here voices coming from the house inside. One of the voices which i knew belong to a male said boss someone is here, i heard something out side.in that moment i was scared for my life i didn't know what to do my legs would not work i had to think of a way to get out of here before they see me and possibly kill me. While i was busy trying to think of a plan i heard foot step come near me. No lie i was petrified. I didn't move nor made a sound suddenly a figure made its way infront of me. And as the figure moved closely i saw it was a person with clown make up. The man with the clown makeup was now inches away from me and he look right into my eye and just stared at me with a blank expression.

Jokers pov.
Me and my guys where just finished loading our guns when one of the guys accidentally fired a shot in to the wall causing for a hole to appear.all of a sudden one of my guys tell me he heard a scream coming from out side informing that some one has trespassed our hide out. I decided to take a look and went out side. I had my gun in my hand ready to kill this individual. Slowly i made my way to my yard i saw nothing and was about to go in side. But something caught my eye. A small figure hidden behind the side of the stairs i made my way toward the figure. Man i was so ready to have fun killing this worthless human.until i got infront of it.and i kid you not my whole mood changed in that moment it was a girl. She was so beautiful those green blue colored eyes and beautiful long chestnut color hair that was slightly curly. All i could say she was breath taking. I just looked at here for a minute our eye lock but sadly all i could see was a terrifying look in her eyes i felt bad.
As i reached for her i saw she had tears in here eyes but no sound came out of her mouth.
Reader pov
I am scared i am going to die today i knew i should have never came here i had no business trespassing this mans home. I felt the tears come down my face but i made sure no to make a sound. So i bit my lip so that no sound came out of me. All of a sudden i see him reach for me. And in that moment my tears come falling down faster then ever.as he lifted my body up from the ground he just looked at me right into my eyes and then quickly looked away and proceeded to walk. We made it into home. And to my surprise the inside of the house was actually pretty beautiful. He kept walking until we entered a room what looked like a medical room.he placed me down softly on the bed and placed a pillow on my head so i could rest. Still have tears burning in my eyes i look at him. And quickly look away. He was quite for a bit and then he spoke. (JOKER) how did you hurt your self. He says as he turns to grab something from the cabinet behind him. As scared i was i couldn't make myself to answer him. (JOKER) i asked you a question how did you get hurt.*reader* i-i umm well you see i was walking home and i decided to take the alley and as i was walking i heard loud noises and i decided to have a look so i made it halfway up the stairs when i heard a loud boom and that scared me and i fell back and rolled down the stairs. Causing me to scream in pain. And know i am here. I say trying my best not to sound like i am scared.he turns around and again stops to look at me and then proceeded to come my way. In his hand he had different things. Which includes a wrap a towel scissors gauze medical tools and gloves. He slowly place the items on the table and pit on his gloves.next he gently wet the towel and wiped the blood off my legs and my hand as well as my head. My heart was beating fast and all i could think was. Why is he doing this should i not be dead by now i am pretty sure he is a criminal by the way he has guns and stuff right? I was busy thinking that i didn't realize that he has stitch me up. He got up and threw away the trash and walked out of the room. Great i thought to my self what is going to happen now.

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