well my father is angry

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4 hours ago I call my father he was not happy that I went into the city. in fact he was concern for some reason.I mean he never notices me being gone. Right now I see one of them my dad's bodyguardz Ark outside of the cafe going to see my dad he has angry expressed look to him to be honest I wasn't ready for any thing he has to say.
Alex my father spoke( what the hell are you doing in this side of the city. This side is not for people like us like you. You are a wayne a very important figure not some random loner with no things going for them. Alex its dangerous here. Cant you see
Especially with the joker on the lose i could not bear to see him find you and do bad things to you alex. And you know what you are not allowed to leave the house until i say so ok.
Alex-dad wait you cant do that i am an adult i have the right to adventure out in the city. Secondly dad i could take of my self i dont need you to protect me from anything. If i get caught up i will get my self out of it ok. And dad who the hell is the joker?

My dad was kinda regretting even mentioning the joker to me. I mean any parent would. They would try to keep there kids safe. But my dad is something different. He is the kind of person that focuses more on his power then to really care whats going on around him. But again who is the joker? Why is every one so afraid of him or her? What did the joker do to make people fear for there lifes? To a point where my dad even fear that the joker might kill me or something.

My dad didn't say anything else and just lead me into the car.
The car ride was very silent. The uncomfortable kind of silence. All i was thinking was about this joker person.

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