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Hatred. The hatred towards yourself is unexplainable, not being able to look in a mirror or to be honest anything reflective without feeling sick or wanting to smash it. Hating going shopping because you know you'll have to have to look at the size and knowing you aren't the perfect size 4 you like to be, it’s looking at everyone and anyone wishing and praying you looked like them, wishing and wishing and doing nothing but wishing you looked like the girl on Instagram or the girl walking to class. The names that are not so whispered across the class and the words shouted from the other end of the corridor, they stick and run around until you're so exhausted you sleep instead of eating. It's not always the size most of all just knowing you aren't pretty, hating when people say “oh no you're beautiful don’t say that about yourself” I can see the guilt of lying behind their eyes. I don’t think people realise the affect their words can have on people, they don’t know what's happing in that person's life that one word or comment can be the push over the edge, every word is a new line on the once smooth skin. 

The Sobbing Story Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt