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The Universe is infinite and full of mysteries to be unveiled. In it there is a small blue droplet, called Earth, where humans live, beings dominated by emotions and feelings. During the day the sun peeks down and at night the moon wakes up and everyone sleeps. What no one knows is that behind the moon there is a small planet, called the Unu planet, which is visible only to pure hearts. On this small planet there are kingdoms and counties, where the most fantastic beings live, but also the most terrible beings ever heard of. There is a county called the County of the Magories, where the Magories dwell. In this county, one does not enter easily. There is a secret entrance, which very few know, to enter the county. When we enter, we find an extensive path of gigantic trees and plants of all colors. It is the magical forest, where magicians collect the ingredients to make various magical potions. It's a long way out of this forest. Hidden in the middle of fields, is the village of Magories, with little, colorful houses, enchanting in every way. The fields are covered with all kinds of flowers: small, large, tall, short, and extremely colorful and with diverse smells. Across the river, on top of a mountain, stands the great school-castle, where Magories learn to be true Magories to harvest the treasures of the earth. Ah! I have not spoken about the Magories yet. The Magories are small beings, almost the size of a human being, similar to man, but have gentle eyes, elf ears, and small teeth. Every night they go out in their magic balloons, with the Great Magician, Master Safio, and his talisman, along the rainbow that is formed on the way down to the earth and they collect treasures. The earth's treasures are tiny droplets that fall, every time humans do something good. These drops are not visible to the human eye, only to the gentle eyes of Magories. Each Magory is responsible for a specific kind of droplet. There are droplets of various colors. The yellow treasures relate to happiness and joy, orange relates to solidarity, kindness, sharing, generosity, gratitude, good deeds, good energies and affections, lilac treasures are tolerance and respect, white treasures are peace, harmony, and justice, the treasures of hope are golden, the green treasures are healthy eating, physical exercise, mental balance and respect for nature and the blue treasures are forgiveness, sincerity and truth. Magories collect all the droplets they find and when they return through the sky to their county they release a magic dust, that is released by the droplets and these make the stars shine. So at night, if you look at the sky and see the stars shine, you know the Magories collected many treasures from the earth, man acted well and you can ask yourself if you have helped any star to shine brightly.

To be great Magories, they attend castle-school, where they have subjects like magic powders and potions, magic, martial arts and defense, among others. In their final year at castle-school, all Magories grow wings, so that they can fly on missions. Behind the majestic castle lies the field of magic balloons. In the center of this field there is a gigantic clock with three hands. Whenever these three hands meet, all the inhabitants of earth are asleep; then the Magories leave, looking for their treasures. The Magories are great fruit connoisseurs and eat berries of all colors.

To the south of this planet there is the Kingdom of Darkness, ruled by the witch Severa Ferucia, the terrible witch of Evil. Here there is no light, only darkness. It is a fetid place, cold and dark. In the deep sludge of the swamp rises the towering castle of the cruel Queen witch. Tall, thin, with black eyes and full lips, she always wears a large cloak and a black dress. She commands an army of shadows, burly, with evil eyes and bloody bodies. Every black night she sets out on her gargoyle, accompanied by her shadows, to collect the nightmares from earth, which are ashes that fall when the man does something wrong. When she rises towards her Kingdom, she throws the heavy dust in the air and the stars stop shining. So when you look at the sky and it is not shining, it is because the witch Severa Ferucia has collected many nightmares. Her greatest desire is to annihilate the Magories, seize their county, and to rule the earth with Evil. However, she needs the talisman of the great Magory, Master Safio, to do this. To carry out her machiavellian plan, she counts on her faithful and submissive slave, Dom Boris, a hunchback dwarf, who worships the ground she walks on.

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