Magic Blows

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After the grand feast, all the Magories went into the castle. There were gigantic doors with high ceilings so that there was space for everyone: Magories, Giants, the Great Magician ... At the entrance there were majestic stairs that led to other floors. They were seven floors, for in the great school-castle, the Magories studied for seven years, to be great Magories. In the first year they were on the first floor, in the second year, they were on the second floor and so on. On the ground floor there was an extensive library, the study room, the large oval room, where the teachers and the canteen were. There was a large office on the top floor where the Great Magory Master Safio and the Great Magician Cornelius hid the most secret things.

Rubio was amazed at the size of the school-castle and looked at the detail all around him.

- "Come on, let's see what class we have now" - said Orion, pulling his cousin to the colored placard at the entrance, announcing the classes for that day.

- "We'll have magic lessons with the Magician Cornelius" - Sapphira said in a friendly manner.

Rubio was afraid to look at the little Magory. He wanted to say something but seemed to choke up and could not say a word.

-"And what room is it in?" - Asked Orion.

- "It's in Room 1" - said Sapphira. – "Ah! Are you the Magory who turned the talisman black?!"

- "Well ... I ... I do not know ..." - Rubio stammered, still not saying much.

Orion glared at her and furrowed his brow at her words and was about to reply when he was cut off.

- "Do not worry, the most important thing is that the talisman turned orange" - said Magory Sapphira with a faint smile.

Hearing that phrase had made Magory Rubio so happy, that he wanted to embrace Sapphira and even pirouette in the air.

- "Thank you! Well, let's go!" - Said Orion to Rubio, who had not yet taken his eyes off Sapphira's. – "The bell has already rung and we have to go into the class room."

Rubio finally came down to earth and walked with his cousin. Of course, he could not keep quiet for a minute and spoke until they got to class. He commented on how beautiful the little Magory was, while his cousin rolled his eyes and went to room number one. Small tables were arranged in the center of the room and everything was very clean and tidy. At the back of the room was a giant desk with an armchair of the same size, where the Great Magician Cornelius was sitting, with his head lowered, looking at a document he was writing. Next to it was a large cauldron suspended in the air and leaning against the walls were shelves filled with books and magical artifacts, mirrors, pendants, stones, flasks of various colors, flying rugs and brooms, wands and magic wands. Everything was clean and tidy. The little Magories were coming in and sitting down. When they were all seated, the Great Magician cleared his throat and stood up, looking at the group of little Magories in front of him.

- "Welcome to Magic Class" - he said in a stately tone. – "In this room you will find all the material you need to learn how to cast great spells."

Rubio, who was sitting in the front row, listened attentively because he did not want to lose out on any information. Orion tried not to close his eyes and fall asleep. After eating so many berries, a little nap would do him good. Sirius and Noah were sitting right behind Rubio and Orion. Sapphira sat at the next table with a dark skinned Magory with brown eyes and black hair, called Emerald.

- "Magic must be used for good!" - Said the Great Magician, looking at them all. – "This is the first lesson and the most important one of all. The Magic comes from within each one; do not expect it to come from the outside. The magic comes from within each one."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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