Journal Prompts

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By mercurialmilk-deactivated on Tumblr

1) Pick a year, maybe the year you/your friend/your crush was born. Find out important things that happened that year. The top song played on the radio, the movie that won at the Oscars, any notable inventions? (NEEDS WIFI)

2) Pick a colour. Do everything in that colour. Try different shades of the same colour, or do it all in one shade for hard mode; for drawing or other art projects

3) Draw a self portrait without looking at yourself on one page, and another one while seeing your reflection/a picture of yourself

4) Make a playlist of your current favourite songs / use their lyrics

5) What's your favourite room? Your bedroom, a class room? Why do you like it? What's in it? Draw it.

6) Draw an alternative world. Maybe its the same as our current world but some people have horns? Maybe its a world entirely encompassed in an hourglass?

7) Are you superstitious? If yes, write/draw about you biggest superstition. If no, write/draw about one that interests you.

8) Where would you go on a road trip? Write/draw about the locations you'd love to see.

9) Write/draw about how you feel at 3am.

10) What's your first ever memory?

11) Sit in front of a mirror and make 5 funny faces and draw yourself.

12) Write / draw your favourite myth.

13) Draw your hands

14) Collect all the left over bits for a week: receipts, fruit stickers, notes, wrappers. Then make a journal page out of them.

15) Print out one of your favourite poems. Cut each word out and rearrange it. It probably wont make any sense but it will still somehow feel like your favourite poem.

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