Art Journal Prompts pt 2

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By mercurialmilk on Tumblr

You guys seemed to like part 1 so here's some more!!! Feel free to modify/adjust these to writing prompts or to art journal prompts as you wish!!

1) Make a playlist for a specific character (your fav actor, best friend, OC)

2) Go through the screenshots you have on your phone. Incorporate one of them in your journal. Maybe it was a cute text convo with your friend or a screenshot of a quote you loved?

3) Use your hands. Paint with your fingers. Draw an outline of your hand and give yourself a tattoo. Paint them in an interesting position.

4) Re-use destruction. Write about something you destroyed. Or destroy something and incorporate it into your journal. Rip up some paper

5) Use something unique in your journal that you've never used before. Try fabric, gold leaf, pressed flowers etc.

6) Think about symmetry. Use the pages to create something symmetrical on each side. Maybe a mirror image? Maybe it has intentional mistakes?

7) What's your favourite season? Why is it your favourite? What does it make you imagine/what scents does it bring to mind?

8) Use something old and something new. Maybe its the same thing but before and after some time?

9) Write your biggest secret in Microsoft word and then use a text that's indecipherable (like windings or barcode) - copy that translated text into your journal. Only you will know what it means.

10) Think of a day, a month, a year. Think up a mantra for that time period. Why did you choose that mantra?

11) Use a stamp. Dont own one? Make one out of something. You can make stamps out of foam scraps, erasers, even vegetables.

12) Think of a place you want to visit/travel to. Draw a map of that place or draw a famous landmark that's there.

13) The next time you're in a public place (coffee shop, in line at the supermarket etc) listen in on a conversation between people. If you can, try to write it down exactly. Use that conversation snippet in your journal. Make up a story or scene to go along with it.

14) Make a pattern of some sort.

15) Paint a galaxy

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