The secret in school

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Description :

Everyone know about the two most powerful and feared Mafia gangs : The Angels and The Demons;But no one knows about who the members of the two gangs because little do they know that both Mafia gangs go to the number 1 school in Korea;But no- body sucpects them to be part of either gangs.Since both gangs hate each other as every Mafia gang wants to be the most powerful Mafia gang in Korea and well know in more places, but the Angels Gang was the first ever all omega groups and actually fought back with other alphas and are  underestimated by almost everyone.

Author p.o.v
<The Angels>

Plot : The second most powerful Mafia gang has a  big secret hidden from everyone at their school and that secret is that the are in a Mafia gang and not just any gang,but "The Angels".
Jin dropped his younger brothers off at school and said,"bye,have a good day and I'll pick you guys up at 5:30,ok?" [Jin is in college,but his younger brothers are in highschool]  The boys nodded in understanding and they [Jeno,Sehun,Wonwoo, Hoshi,Minho,Jeongin]walked into the  school and saw everyone staring at them [which was pretty normal for them and they all go to the same high school];They saw some of the kids wave at them so they waved back,but actually wanted to tell them to piss off [they are really popular and liked by everyone but they all dispised everyone because they hated fake people]. They were about to opened their lockers,when suddenly a bunch of letters fell out of their lockers,they were love letters and about 100 letters in each other their lockers. They were used to being given love letters,but they hated it and thought of it was tiring and boring.;So they did what they always did,stuff them into their duffel bag and walked off to class. When Jeno suddenly sighed,they looked at him with worry and confusion,he said," We always get so many letters but we never accept them so what is the point of giving someone letter when they don't accept the letter and don't even read it?" They looked at him with an  understanding look because they were also tried of all the letters since  they didn't have any crush on anyone at their school,but they were too nice to reject them. [All the brothers are two-faced, but Jeno is the only one who isn't and always says sorry when he rejects someone,while his brother just straight up reject that person and walk away]. Sehun then answered him sounding emotionless [like always] saying," We get so many letters because we are popular and everyone falls in love with us the moment they see us;So they give us letters hoping we like them back.
They'll fall for us,think we feel the same way but we don't, so we reject them and they are heartbroken. I don't know why they have so much hope when giving us a letter when they know we will not feel the same;We don't have the same feelings as that person and don't accept their love because it is normal for a people who arent looking for any relationship or has a crush on anyone." They all look at him a bit  shocked by how he knew so much and how he felt about it all.They all thought,"maybe something similar happened to him?" and Jeno said,"I guess, you are right? I mean if it is meant to be then it will be, right?" Sehun nodded saying in response," Yes Jeno,but you are too young to worry or think about this now and too nice for your own kind". All of them agreed nodded in agreement,while Jeno was a bit confused,but he thought about his brother's words and nodded in understanding;So they all went to their separate classes and saw the people they hate the most in their own classes:Tao,Jun,Woozi, and Hyunjin,both Jisungs.
When the boys saw the people they hated the most the all mentally cursed them,but Jeno being the sweetheart,
he is,he just smiled when the other boys looked at them.

<Nct/Stray Kids>

[Jeno and Jeongin have all the same classes and they have all classes with Jisung and Hyunjin].

When Jeno and Jeongin walked into class,they came to only see half of the female students near the people their brothers hated and they were also supposed to "hate" them too:Jisung and Hyunjin. They "hated" the two of them along with their brothers,[they didnt realy hate them just stayed away from them].
When they walked in they saw them staring at them. {You know what I am confusing myself by writing it like this so I'm going to switch the p.o.v to Jeongin instead, I think imma just do that for all of the p.o.v.}

Jeongin p.o.v

I saw Jisung and Hyunjin staring at me and Jeno,so I glared at them;But Jeno being the sweetheart he is, stopped me and said to ignore them, so we don't draw attention to ourselves;So I did what he said,then when people finally noticed we were here,they came rushing over and showering us with gifts. I didn't really care and just stared out the window, while people tried to talk to me,but Jeno distracted them thanking them for the gifts with his famous eye smile.(He always was a  sweetheart,even when our brothers where always a bad influence on him, so he tried to be a good one for me, but I ended up following our "good" influencal brothers' ways. He was never disappointed in any of us which made me surprised,but happy). [ Those were Jeongin's thoughts] As more people came and left or stayed,I kept ignoring them,but I glanced over to were Jisung and Hyunjin were sitting and listening.I saw them still staring at us and I thought I saw something in Jisung's eyes when he saw staring at my brother. (What was that? I think I was something in his eyes when he was staring at Jeno? What is it? It isn't hatered. So what could it be?) I was so curious, but decided to ignore it and was too busy trying to do focus of the senery  outside whil waiting for the teacher to come and Jeno still trying to handle the crowd at our desks,that I didn't notice [Jisung and Hyunjin] them still staring at us because the teacher soon (finally! God damn it,these people are annoying as hell!) came in.

Stray Kids/Seventeen p.o.v
< Wonwoo>

[Wonwoo,Hoshi and Minho share the 1st,3rd and 5th classes together]

We walked to our class after agreeing to meet the rest of our brothers later. But when we walked into class we  saw the people we hated the most: Jun,Jisung,and Woozi. We absolutely hated them,but they didn't seem to care  or hate us and for some reason Jun was always nice to me. It made me confused and I thought he was just playing a joke on me. I even asked him,but all he said was,"I just like you, you seem pretty cool and look like you don't give any fucks no matter what", I said he was right about me not giving any fucks and I told him that I thought he was cool too,so we became friends and I don't  hate him,but I wouldn't say the same about his brothers or if mine wouldn't say the same.His brothers were complete jerks,though my brothers and I are too,but they are worse then us. (And what is even worse is that we are all enemies, but we get along?!) We all know Jisung (nct) has a thing for our sweetheart Jeno,but he is too naive to notice,Woozi is a jerk especially to Soonyoung because he heard Soonyoung has a type for bad boys,Tao is very protective and possessive of Sehun,but Sehun is too Sehun to notice Tao's feeling towards him;Jisung (stray kids) wants to make Minho his,but Minho acts like he doesn't notice him staring at him all the time { -_- }, Hyunjin wants to "kidnap" Jeongin to keep him for himself,but Jeongin just ignores him like everyone else, And Jun and I are just friends.(I seriously don't see how they don't see how Jun's brothers feel towards them,my brothers are so stupid,except Jeno because he is a naive sweetheart). I thought to myself when I'm suddenly being lifted up and I look down to see Jun holding me up in his arms. I told him to put me down and he did,but I noticed that his brothers were jealous of how close we were and that my brothers weren't close with them,so I made a "little" distance between us. Which made him sad,my brothers a bit happy and his brothers laugh a bit,which made me confused and irritated. I chose to ignore it and head to the back of the class with my brothers,but Jun and his brothers were trailing behind me. Jun and his brothers sat behind me and my brothers while messing with us until the bell rang and the teacher came into class at last!;(Ugh!!!,they just had to sit behind us and tease us!?)


[Sehun has the 1st,3rd,5th class by himself,but he has his 2nd with Minho and his 4th class with Wonwoo,his 6th class with Hoshi]

I said bye to my brothers and walked to class. When I got there,I saw the person I hated the most:Tao. He was my number 1 enemie in school. I went to the back of the class, so I could try to avoid talking to him,but he saw me and followed me. When I sat down,he sat down next to me and I was just thinking of how lucky some of my brothers were in the same class together while I was left alone with Tao. I was hoping he would leave,but he didnt,so I just decided to ignore him until class ended. But he didn't have the same idea and kept bothering me;So I started to listen to music [(BTS 'Save Me')]. I soon fell asleep and woke up to realize that class was starting,but I felt something on my shoulders and saw that it was Tao's jacket.( Maybe he isn't so bad?) I thought smiling to myself that I hadn't notice Tao staring and smiling at me.I blushed without realizing it and turned away from him completely  flustered and I forget to give him back his jacket;Because I was so distracted with trying to get back to reality when the teacher started the lesson. (Why do I feel this way?! Why does HE make me feel this way?! And why does he looks so different NOW).

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