Ew no🤮Crowley

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Prompt- You have a MAJOR crush on Crowley. Dean and Sam find out. They tease you about it in front of Crowley.

Requested by- they wish to remain anonymous

Warnings- probably some innuendos and minor profanity (it's Supernatural. What do you expect?)

A/N- this is kind of crap, since I wrote this while half asleeep. Also, there are a few places where I made this grammatically incorrect on purpose so no hate please. Trust me, my inner Grammar Nazi is reeling.


For the second time this week, I find myself in a tough situation. I was used as bait on a demon case, and well, I've been taken hostage. Again. Dean's gonna be pissed. He probably is pissed. But that's his problem.

The Winchesters bust up in this janked-up joint, guns blazing. Unfortunately, the son of a bitch demon manages to evade the bullets. Every. Damn. One of them. Not like it would stop him anyway. It would only've slowed him down. And piss him off. Oh well.

Dean and Sam get in a scuffle with the black-eyed bitch, totally not realising that I'm chained up. When Dean manages to stab the demon, I huff loudly to get their attention.

"Hello! I'm chained up here! Or are you too pissed with me to let me out?" I say boredly.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind it so much if Crowley chained you up," Dean says, smirking. I blush, but I scowl.

"Ew, no! Now shut up, short stack and help me out!" I whine, tugging at the chains.

"I'm taller than you!" Dean remarks. I roll my eyes.

I really have to go to the bathroom.

"Hurry up, I gotta take a piss," I whine as Sam and Dean slowly unchain me.

Finally, after taking their sweet sweet time, I am free. Immediately, I dash to the Impala.

"Dean, please get your ugly ass out here and drive me to somewhere with a toilet," I shout. The boys approach me. Sam is smirking, Dean is scowling.

"Shut up; I am beautiful. And so is my ass," Dean says. He pulls his keys out of his pocket.

"To some, sure. To me, hell no," I remark, giving him a stern look. I cross my arms over my chest.

"Now hurry! I gotta pee!"


At the moment, we're staying in a slummy motel. It's called Happy Days Motel, so you should know that it's crap.

Anyway, my boo-thang-even-though-he-doesn't-know-it-yet is here. He's pissed at Sam and Dean for slaying one of his minions. I would be too if I had minions that were slain—pissed, that is— but I don't have minions so I wouldn't know what that's like.

"Maybe if the damn thing hadn't've taken her and chained her up, we wouldn't've killed it!" Dean exclaims. I roll my eyes.

"Cut it out! I'm trying to watch Sherlock! I don't wanna here you two yappin' like little girls while my show's on!" I yell, pausing my show. Dean and Crowley turn to me. Sam and I fist-bump.

"I'm sure you would like to be Crowley's little girl, wouldn't you?" Dean asks, smirking. I roll my eyes and clench my jaw, blushing harder then ever.

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