Chapter 10 ~ useful info To me

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As you may have noticed I cut out the top and that is because I felt like it made the stories look bigger so from here on out whenever there's a big enough change I will update it and show you his status. Enjoy 😁

Once at the door was open someone literally flew out and landed face first on the ground we looked at him  wondering if he was okay just then a girl walked out "that's what you get for trying to smooth talk me" the girl looked around 19 brown hair down to adjust plump lips smooth peach skin green eyes and quite the curves lovely all around though not much in the chest."just because I try to smooth talk to you doesn't mean you should throw me out the door" you look back towards the boy who seems to be dusting himself off to me he looks decent his arms look strong looks quite built he has blond hair up to his shoulder blue eyes no beard looks about 20. I just realized both of them had weapons the girl has two swords they look like the swords from Aladdin, the boy has a big two handed sword but instead of having a point at the top it seemed like it was cut off and so now it's like a weird diagonal slash, feel like I saw it in a game before just can't remember."I threw you out so I can beat the crap out of you" as she says that she crackers knuckles you saw the boy cower and ran well the girl Chase right after him "now that was a weird interaction" I say.

Izanami looks at me and says" do you think the boy needs help" "no you'll be fine they always play around like that" me and Izanami along with Aesir turns our head to the door to see a young man around his 30s smiles at us "what can I get you two are you two planning on signing up for the adventure guild" " now it's only me she's my helper" as I say that Izanami disappeared "well then that's quite the show, follow me will get you registered" you follow him to the desk as you look around the place you see tons of people sitting around tables talking, and drinking.some look at you and Aesir some look at Aesir in surprised others look at you also surprised you and Aesir both have water flowing off of you.we reach the counter where people are drinking "sit there" he tells me so I do as he goes around the table and grabbed a crystal ball " put your hands on it and it will materialize a card to your rank" he then grabbed a pillow and puts it down then the ball "go ahead" you do what he said and then poof a card appeared with your name along with the status of Everything and on the other side of the card it shows a C everybody around looked at you with shock. People start to ask why you wanted to be an adventure " I don't know anymore I guess because I feel like it" "anyways you are now an adventure go to the board and grab a paper then come back and I will put it on your card you can only do B and below and up to 4".

(Cool if I do one hard mission and 3 little one's it just gives me a bonus in a sense) "ok also what do you guys have to eat" man looks at me questioningly "mainly simple meat products you have to go to big Cities in the rich area to get some sort of food" I look at him confused "do people not consider learning how to cook". the man just shakes his head "I don't know where you're from but here we don't have much food variety simple me, veggies, And bread" I thought for a moment with the sirens they actually didn't have much of a variety as well just fish and seaweed stuff. Looks like my food will be quite appetite to people maybe I can use that fact to get some money I'll have to think about that later. "All right I'm going to go to the board and check it out" the man nods at me.

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