Chapter 47

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"M-matsuri please tell me you're joking" Mitsuko said
"Wh-who are you two? Where am I? Where is mama? What happened?!" Matsuri exclaimed and winced in pain clenching her chest
I-it hurts...
"'s u-us. Your mates! Mei Aihara and Mitsuko Taniguchi!" Mei said
"Get out! I want mama!" Matsuri cried
"M-matsuri...please don't" Mitsuko said. Matsuri only cried as she felt scared. Suddenly the doctor came in running and his eyes widen
"I-it's a miracle..." The doctor said
"Onee-chan!" Matsuri cried as she covered her head. Hana's eyes widen and instantly ran towards her cry
"Matsuri!" Hana said and teared up once she saw her little sister
Sh-she's alive!
"Onee-chan!" Matsuri cried. Hana ran towards her with opened arms and hugged her. Matsuri cried and hugged her back as she buried her face on her shoulder
"O-onee-chan...what is g-going on?" Matsuri asked as she cried
"Shhh everything is going to be okay" Hana said as she stroked her hair softly. Matsuri whimpered and trembled
"M-mama...where is she?" Matsuri asked
"I-I'll explain everything later" Hana said and looked up at the two heartbroken mates
"Leave for a moment" Hana said
"B-but we-"
"Go. Please" Hana said as she kept holding Matsuri. Mei and Mitsuko walked out of the room with broken hearts
"Th-this is bullshit..." Mitsuko said
"It has to be a terrible dream..." Mei said
"Meimei! Mitsuko! What happened?" Himeko asked
"We heard cries in the room" Shai said
"We heard Matsuri" Yuzu said. Mei and Mitsuko kept their head down as tears rolled down their cheeks
"M-micchan?" Maruta asked
"Sh-she doesn't remember us..." Mitsuko said as her voice cracked
"Wh-what? She doesn't remember you two?" Yuzu asked
"She kept crying out for her mother" Mei said
"So she has amnesia...?" Shai asked
"But she kept crying out for her mother?" Lina asked
"So she knows who she is and remembers Hana too" Asher said
"She must've lost some of her memories..." Furto said
"Let's just wait for the doctor. I bet everything will be okay" Sho said as he hugged Mei
"W-will she remember us?" Mei asked
"Of course she will. She just needs to recover her memories" Sho said
"She's scared of us..." Mitsuko said as she looked down
"You can help her recover her memories. Usually it works if you take her somewhere that you three have spent for a long time" Hojo said
"Then take her back home" Arton said
"She must at least remember her home" Hunton said
"D-do you really think...that would work?" Mitsuko asked
"Of course it will. I three can try to help her remember" Harumin said
"Th-that could work..." Mei said
"Of course it will work! The three of you are perfect together. You three are fated mates" Yuzu said
"That's it!" Mei and Mitsuko said
"Huh? What?" Harumin asked
"The first time we met...we felt a connection" Mei said
"Fated mates release a sweet scent and everytime we touch we feel a spark" Mitsuko said
"See? There is nothing to worry about. You three will probably be together in no time" Lina said
"We have to see her" Mitsuko said as she turned to leave but Harumin grabbed her
"Maybe it's best to let the doctor explain what's going on" Harumin said
"She's right" Hojo said. Mitsuko sighed deeply and Mei kissed her cheek
"Don't worry Mitsuko. Matsuri will be back" Mei said as she smiled
"Right" Mitsuko said as she smiled a little
I want her back in my arms...
"Let's just sit down for a moment" Sho said
"We have to wait again?" Mei asked
"Yes. We don't know if it's permanent or temporary" Sho said
"But we can't wait any longer! We have to help her" Mitsuko said
"You two are really impatient..." The dark haired woman said as she smiled. Mei's eyes widen and growled furiously
"Why are you here?" Mei asked
"Came to visit a friend of mine" Alyssa said
"A friend of yours?" Mei asked
"Get lost" Sho said sternly as he glared at her
"Aww my feelings" Alyssa said as she placed her hand on her chest
"Just leave her alone. She isn't doing any harm..." Hojo said
"What? Are you on her side?" Sho asked
"Sho please calm down" Hojo said
"Do you know what she did to my daughter?" Sho asked as he grabbed him by his tie
"I understand alright? But stop telling her to fuck off. She isn't doing anything bad like Taruto did...." Hojo said as he glared at Sho. Sho backed away from Hojo and looked away
"Tch...whatever..." Sho said
Stupid motherfucking bitch. She disgusts me...
"You still haven't changed Sho?" Alyssa asked as she smiled
"Don't talk to me slut" Sho said
"Jeez so harsh..." Alyssa said as she pouted
He is still the same Sho when I met him...
"Can you get out of my sight?" Sho said
"I thought you said you didn't want to talk to me" Alyssa said as she smirked
"Just fucking leave already. I can't stand being in the same room as you" Sho growled
"Hey I am here to visit a friend" Alyssa said
"Sho calm down. We are in a hospital. You have to control yourself" Hojo said
"Yeah control yourself" Alyssa said and sticked her tongue out
"Grrr...can't stand this bitch" Sho said
"Just go outside" Hojo said
"I think I need a bit of air..." Sho said and walked away
"That's a good boy" Alyssa said laughing a bit. Sho growled as he walked out of the hospital. Everyone stayed silent and Alyssa smirked seeing Mei and Mitsuko
"So how is your little mate doing?" Alyssa asked
"It's none of your business..." Mei said
"Aww don't be so mean to me. I'm just worried for my girl" Alyssa said
"Shut the hell up. I'm not your girl" Mei hissed as she looked at her mother with her cold lavender eyes. Alyssa sighed and giggled softly
"You still hate me?" Alyssa asked
"Of course stupid bitch" Mei said as she looked away. Alyssa only giggled and leaned against the wall
"Who are you even looking for?" Yuzu asked
"Hm? must be Mei's big stepsister" Alyssa said
"We're not stepsisters anymore and how do you even know that?" Yuzu asked
"Heh I just know" Alyssa said
"Who are you here for?" Mitsuko asked
"You girls are curious huh? Just an old friend of mine that I'm seeing" Alyssa said
"Old friend?" Mitsuko asked
"Jinah Seyama...isn't that right?" Hojo asked
"Yes" Alyssa said
"What for?" Mitsuko asked as she glared at her
"Because I want to..." Alyssa said
"...did you really hurt my mother?" Mitsuko asked
"'s not the right time" Hojo said
"I want to know. I need to know" Mitsuko said
"Wh-what happened to our mother?" Harumin asked
"Oh that? It wasn't my fault" Alyssa said. Mitsuko growled and walked up to Alyssa
"Hey wait!" Hojo said and Mitsuko grabbed Alyssa since she was as tall as her
"You fucking bitch. What the hell happened to my mother?" Mitsuko growled as she glared at her
" father like daughter. Hehe you two have the same glare" Alyssa said and giggled softly
"Mitsuko let her go" Hojo said
"What did you do to mom?" Mitsuko asked
"She did nothing. Now let her go" A woman said as she walked up to the group. Mitsuko looked away and released her
"Hey Jinah" Alyssa said
"The fuck?" Jinah asked
"Just came by to see you" Alyssa said
"See me?" Jinah asked as she raised an eyebrow
"Hey...what the hell did she do to mom?" Mitsuko asked
"'re talking about Soha" Jinah said
"Pfft I didn't do anything to her" Alyssa said
"We were drunk. That should be enough information" Jinah said as she looked away
"Let's just stop talking about the past and forget it. I don't want to talk about it" Hojo said as he looked away
"He's right. Let's go" Jinah said as she started walking away
"Wait...are you leaving Matsuri again?" Yuzu asked
"Matsuri doesn't need me..." Jinah said
"But you're still her mother. You should at least be there for her" Yuzu said. Jinah looked at her and chuckled softly
"You're just like your mother Ume" Jinah said
"Ah Ume Aoi?" Alyssa asked
"Yep. Her..." Jinah said
"I should really pay her a visit" Alyssa said and giggled
"Stop getting off topic. Matsuri needs a mother. Someone she should look up to. She needs were the one who got rid of her" Yuzu said as she glared at her with her cold emerald eyes. Jinah only smiled as she remembered Ume
"Heh...just like Ume. Fine. I'll stay..." Jinah said
"Eh? You're staying?" Alyssa asked
"It seems like it..." Jinah said
"Guess I'll stay too" Alyssa said and leaned against Jinah
"Bitch..." Jinah mumbled as she looked away

"What? What do you mean?" Hana asked
"I'm sorry ma'am seems she lost some of her memories. This girl believes she's 6 years old" The doctor said
"So you're saying...this Matsuri is the 6 years old Matsuri?" Hana asked
"Yes" The doctor said
"But will she recover her old memories? Will Matsuri be able to be her old self again?" Hana asked
"Yes. There is a way. Just help her recover her memories slowly. I'm sure if you took her to a place where she's familiar with then some memories might come back to her" The doctor said
"Thank you so much" Hana said as she smiled
"You're welcome" The doctor said
"May I stay with her?" Hana asked
"Of course" The doctor said. Hana nodded and went back to the room seeing Matsuri in bed
So...she's acting like the 6 year old Matsuri?
"Hi Onee-chan" Matsuri said as she smiled
"Hey Matsuri. You feeling better now?" Hana asked as she walked inside the room and went to the bed
"Y-yeah I think so..." Matsuri said
"That's great" Hana said and sat down next to her. Matsuri looked down and fidgeted with her fingers
"So I-I'm in the hospital?" Matsuri asked
"Yes. You're recovering from an accident..." Hana said as she stroked her hair softly
"O-oh...that's why my chest must be hurting" Matsuri said as she touched her chest
"Yes..." Hana said
"So...what happened to Mama?" Matsuri asked
"A-ah right. Uhm...well...she..." Hana paused and looked ar her. Matsuri looked at her and trembled
Why is she looking at me like that? Did something bad...happen to mama?
"I-is mama gone?" Matsuri asked as she teared up. Hana teared up and looked down
I can't...just keep lying to her...
"I-I'm sorry Matsuri but away" Hana said as her voice cracked
"H-how did she d-die? Was it...during th-the incident?" Matsuri asked
Was it because
"No Matsuri. It happened when you were little..." Hana said calming herself a bit
"L-little? So h-how old am I?" Matsuri asked
"You're 18" Hana said
"18?!" Matsuri exclaimed
Was I...asleep?
"Yes" Hana said
"W-was I asleep for so long?" Matsuri asked
"No. You were in an incident. You may not remember now but you'll recover your memories soon" Hana said
"I hope so..." Matsuri said as she looked down
So I'm all grown up now...
"Hey Hana...who were they?" Matsuri asked
"Hm? Who?" Hana asked
"Those two girls. I heard them cry and...when I woke up...I saw them. Who are they?" Matsuri asked
"Your mates" Hana said
"M-mates? What is that?" Matsuri asked
"Someone you love. They're your mates because you love them. You want to be with them forever" Hana said
" k-kiss and st-stuff like that?" Matsuri asked
"Pretty much" Hana said
Shit...I shouldn't mention sex or anything like that. I have to remember that she's a 6 year old...
"What about mama...? H-how did...she leave?" Matsuri asked
"W-well she wa-"
"Excuse me...mind if I come in?" Jinah asked
"Wh-what the hell?" Hana asked. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled
"M-mom?" Matsuri asked

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