Proof reading

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To start I know that I'm very guilty about this, but one very important thing to do it proof-read.

Reread your writing before posting. While it may seem annoying, it'll help prevent obvious mistakes like spelling, grammar, or missing words. Believe me when I say autocorrect doesn't like you and will mess up something without you noticing. Always try and look through.

And this leads me to two points. One being Don't write in wattpad. I know, I know, it sounds weird coming from someone who's currently one wattpad. But I'm being serious, don't write in the app/on the site.

The thing about wattpad, at least for me, is that there is no spell check/grammar checker. As someone who can't spell for crap its very annoying.

This might be a personal thing and I really can't tell between someone who uses wattpad and someone who doesn't, but using google docs, or any other writing app helps!
Again, this is probably just an opinion.

And my other point is beta readers/writers! Believe me when I say getting someone to beta for you is one of the greatest choices you can make. Not only do you get a second eye for spelling and mistakes, but you get feedback before you publish!

Depending on who your beta is, you can even ask them to help write. Whenever I can't think of how to start my stories, or get hit with writers block, I ask them for help. There are tones of people on here who are more than willing to beta for you! Ask around, theres someone who fits the criteria.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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