Carmen X Worried!Reader

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You take a deep breath, Carmen and the gang have been away for six days. Six days without Carm. Six days left with thoughts of what might happen to Carmen. Six days. Carmen had been out on a caper in Mexico, the thing you were worried about was Coach Brunt. That Bitch. She was the reason for most of Carmen's injuries. Carmen said not worry before she kissed you on the cheek and left you in the kitchen.Carmen...

You missed her. You missed her warmth, her smile. Her everything. You need something to distract yourself from thinking about her. Maybe you can sleep it off. Yeah. Sleep. You make it up the stairs into Carmen's bedroom. You collapse onto her bed and drift off.

Turns out you slept until morning. You feel energized but...Carm still isn't back. You slowly get out of her bed. Should you make breakfast? Yeah you need it. The floor aches. The Base feels....Empty. "What should I make?", you ponder. Eh, Pancakes will do it. You get out the ingredients and start cooking. While cooking you hum .

Should I check in with player?, you think for a moment. No, Carmen and the gang don't need distractions. Son of a Bitch! You curse. When you were getting up you cut your leg on the coffee table. What the hell?. There's a Nail sticking out the side of the coffee table. Well Strawberry 1, and 2 made this. You mentally sigh. Well better get this cleaned. You walk up the stairs. The cut is about 4 inches long. You bend down to get the bandages, and hydrogen peroxide,(This supposedly slows down the healing process and is a weak germ killer).

The peroxide stings. Well at least we have something to clean the wound.

You look up at the mirror. Damn I need a shower. You walk across the hall to get a towel.

~Tiiimee skiiip~

Your sitting on the couch watching 'Friends'. When the hell are they gonna get back?. Now you're really worried. No, it's fine Carmen can take care of herself. You hear the laptop go off. You open it Immediately. "Hey Y/n, just checking up", Player states. "How's the gang? Is Carmen hurt?", You ask rapidly. "Woah calm down there Y/n Carm's fine". "Is coach Brunt there too?", you ask. Player nervously laughs. "You know how I feel about Coach around Carmen", you say crossing your arms.

Player sighs, he looks over at the screen his face turns into a concerned frown. "Carmen's face to face with Coach", Player says with a serious face. "Oh No", you whisper. "She's too weak to fight! This was supposed to be a stealth mission!", you say frustrated. "I know, I know, but something happened but don't worry I'll try to help talk to you later". Player hangs up. Your heart is racing. The last time she was with Coach Brunt she almost got hit so hard her ribs nearly shattered. Player will handle it. Yeah. Player will handle it. What if he doesn't?. What if Carmen never comes home?. What if  the whole gang never comes home?. You're head goes deeper into thought. Spinning out of control.

You Barely notice you're drifting off.

The thing you find weird is you thought you would dream about Carmen getting hurt or worse.

You slowly open You're eyes. Everything is a bit foggy. You feel slightly better than like half an hour ago. You still feel tired. So you get up(again) to go to Carmen's room.

"Hey Y/n". You turn around quickly. It's Ivy. "Oh hey Ivy-, Oh! you're back! Where's Carm???". "Woah calm down she's in her room". Without another word you bolt down the hallway. You burst into Carmen's room. "Woah calm down Y/n!".

It's Carmen. You hug her tightly and bury your head into the crook of her neck. "Woah, you okay?". "Sorry Carm it's just that you never go on a caper for that long". "Sorry Dove",(The nickname she gave you).

You ask if she's hurt. She slightly lifts up her shirt to show you a little bruise on her side. "I know that's not all Carm", you stern you're voice. She lifts her shirt more. The bruise is about 8 inches long, and about 5 inches wide. "Carmen!". "Sorry! Something went wrong during mission". You sigh and bury your head into her neck again.
"You're impossible Sandiego".

"I know ;)".

Word count:

Carmen Sandiego x reader One shots/storiesWhere stories live. Discover now