When your seriously injured

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-Care 24/7
-Won't let you out of the HQ EVER
-She worries a little too much
-Goes on short capers so that she can be with u


-Worrying way too much
-Panicking so much she's shaking
-Carmen and Zach try to calm her down
-Cuddles 24/7


-Stays with you the whole day to make sure you're okay
-Makes you stay safe
-Checks up on you every 5 seconds


-Hisses at anyone who disturbs you
-kitty luv
-Tries to get capers over with so she can see u


-Jokes to make you feel better
-Silently freaks out
-stays with you as much as he can


-Little gestures of affection
-Gives you some bomb ass coffee


-Some good refreshing tea
-He knows you can take care of yourself
-He cares A lot

Countess Cleo:

-Little gifts
-Literally will sit down for hours on end with u
-Makes sure no one fucks with you
-Professor Mealstrom will use your body parts for science.

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