Ivy Headcons

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•The first time you guys met she was drooling so hard.

•When you guys go on a caper she acts all tough, it fails but you still love her.

•She's like you're teddy bear cute, soft, protective, and huggable.

•Her pick up lines consist of "Is that a mirror in your pocket? Cause I can see myself in your pants!"

•"My lips are like skittles. Wanna taste the rainbow?"

•The Pervy stuff she does is she'll go behind you hug you tight and suck on you're sweet spot

• "I-Ivy! Stop it before i fuck you up!"

• "Kinky~"

•You a snacc to her.

•She May act tough but she has too big of a heart.

•When cuddling she's always the big spoon.

•Her pet names for you are, Gorgeous, sexy, and Mommy,(in private)

•You can never get mad at her.

•When someone flirts or God for bid cat calls you expect there body's to be found the next day.

•When Carmen gets mad you always defend her.

•When you get hurt she's always there to patch you up.

•You never mention her past mainly because you don't want her to feel uncomfortable.

•When She's angry or frustrated you draw constellations on her back to calm her down.

Carmen Sandiego x reader One shots/storiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon