Ancient Bloodline(part 1/2)

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-The Cove-
~Hiccup's POV~

As i tossed the fish to the, apparently female Night Fury, i really thaught that im becoming crazy. I mean come on. Talking to a dragon? A dragon talking back? What in Odin's Ghost!

The dragoness looked at the fish i brought her. It was an Icelandic Cod, just like any other fish. She took the fish in her mouth and put it deeper into the cave.

I laid down at the entrance, just waiting for the dragon... Er ess to come back.

"So you can understand what im saying?" her voice echoed.

"I guess.... Beats me how im able to, though.." i said thinking.

"Why did you come here?"

"I-i uhm... Well this was my favourite spot to hang out when i was little... well, littler. Oh wow.... now i really am crazy. Im talking to a dragon! "

"Dragoness." she said in an annoyed tone.

"Whatever.. Just kill me already.."

"Why should i do that?" she asked me confused.

Now it was my turn to be confused. "Dragons always go for the kill... Right?"

"What? No! I just want to make peace!"

"Well, thats new. A dragon... err dragoness wanting peace, now im surely going insane ---what the?" i say looking at my arms wich were increasing in size, black scabs appearing on them.

"How in Thor's name?" i say while looking at my ever-changing arms, now full of black scabs, claws starting to appear.

"Ah!! Whats happening to me?" i shouted at the Night Fury, but she stayed silent. Wow.

All of a sudden pain errupted through my body. My legs started changing, claws appearing on them aswell.

Wasting no time, i ran to the exit hoping to reach the Village. When i reached the exit, i couldn't fit! Turns out my body has grown in size several times, my clothing getting ripped apart.

"No no no no no No!" i try to say the second half coming out as a growl.

I fell to the ground, still in much pain. My rear starting to hurt like someone was pulling my spine out.

"Gods! Ahhh!!" i growled as the pain in my new appendage ended, black and red scales, i presume, covered it, four fins covering it.

It was my back's turn as it suddenly errupted in more pain. This time i fell to the ground not able yo say anything else, the pain was excruciating.
Two other apendaged sprouted from my back, forming leathery skin around them.
After a few minutes wich felt like years, they finally stopped.
But it appears the transformation was not done as more black and red scales covered my body, my face hurt like theres no tommorow, because of that i fell unconcious.

~Night Fury's POV~

As i watched the transforming Scaleless, i sctatched the ground with my claws.

"Wow.. He really likes to scream.." as i say that his tail finally emerges,his wings quickly following.
His transformation soon ended, leaving a full grown Dark Wanderer in his place. I approached his seemingly unconcious form and sniffed a little.

"He seems okay.. No injuries.. I need to take him to the cave before some other Scaleless comes here"

As i thaught that, i grabbed him by the scruff, wich was eaier to carry him with, and started dragging him to the cave.
'Gods..... Hes heavy.. He was easy to pounce on as a Scaleless... '

After a while we reach the entrance of the cave, i noticed his scales.

'His scales are red and black! So the myths are true!'

I dragged him to the fish he brought me.
' I can catch more, he should have it...'

I then layed down a few meteres from him, waiting his awakening. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

~Hiccup' s POV~

I woke up somewhere..... Dark?
I looked around and as it turns out, i was in a very dark place of a cave.
But, somehow i could see clearly?
I looked more intensely and saw the Night Fury from before.

"Woah!" i shout before yelping.

'Was that me??..'

"What in Thor's name and hammer?" i say before quickly yelping again.

"My voice is soo deep! I.." i run out of the cave into the night, in wich i could see even better.
Then i looked into the lake and saw.... a Night Fury? I moved my head to the left, the reflection imitating me. I looked to the right, again the reflection did the same.

" IM A DRAGON?!" I roared.

Birds flew from the trees from my roar.

'Okay maybe that wasn' t such a good idea.. '

I looked at myself and saw that i had black and red scales, different from the Night Fury from before, wich was fully black. I looked at the lake again and to my surprise, my eye color changed aswell, from forest green to.... fiery red?

"Why am i like this?"

"You're an Ancient One." the same voice from before echoed.

Startled, i yelped into the water.

'Oh boy..'


Hello dear readers i sincerely apologize for not being able to upload yesterday or the day before for that matter. But i hadba writer's block and did not know what to write. Hopefully it will not happen again. Cheers!

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