One shot-LAX Airport ~ Part One

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My name is Juliette, I am 19 years old and I'm french. I know what you're thinking "How exotic !" But the story that I am about to tell you happened to me because I escaped from my mother land that people find usually so attractive. I have been in America for 3 months now doing an internship for costume design studies. It all started at the age of six, when I discovered my passion for dramatic art, movies, plays, drawing, dancing, singing and whatever I could do to express my creativity.

 It all started at the age of six, when I discovered my passion for dramatic art, movies, plays, drawing, dancing, singing and whatever I could do to express my creativity

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I also had the ability to lie whenever I needed to save my little brat ass from troubles. And in all honesty I always saw this as a talent. I could make people believe things that are not even there. How cool, is that seriously ? Despite the fact that I wanted to be an actress, my parents were scared to let me go that way. And I kind of understand why, I mean...what a weird way to make a living. So I turned to stage and costume design as I still wanted to work in arts. I managed to enter at UAL Camberwell in cinematic design when I was 18 and felt suddenly relieved to finally live on my own. I truly loved being autonomous and have some time by myself.

During summer break, the school sent students to foreign countries for internships and I was sent to Los Angeles to work at a small studio on minor movie productions. It was an amazing adventure for me, meeting new faces and experience a total different lifestyle. As a drama nerd, I tried to extend my acting culture and went to see lots of plays and movies during that period. And of course LA is the city of stars and I have seen several celebs in the streets such as J-Lo, Justin Bieber and some of the Kardashians, but in fact those were mysterious creatures that I only allowed myself to observe from afar. It was always funny to see them through my eyes than through a tv but I usually wasn't that impressed. Maybe because I was not a huge fan of them. Anyway, I left London about four months ago and at the same time my boyfriend. His name is Billy, he is a skinny man, genuinely funny and a real sweetheart.

That's him

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That's him. He's really handsome and people usually tell him that he looks like a very young version of Jude Law. It used to piss him off but now he just doesn't care anymore.
Before him I only had flirts but it wasn't really for me, in fact I am more comfortable with the single status, I don't like to feel oppressed by someone. Don't get me wrong I like being around Billy but during those 3 months without him, I've been happier like never before. I was free, powerful and dismissed from the weight on my shoulders. I can't really explain it. But now that I was going back, by tomorrow I just didn't want to. I loved it here and I didn't want to face MY reality, London, Billy... LA was were I wanted to stay, plus I had never seen New York. But I didn't have other options.

I arrived at the airport kinda sad to leave LA and my brand new life. I was wearing some sunglasses cause let's face it : it's always sunny there.

(That was me leaving my appartement)When I was waiting in the vip lounge area of the airport, Billy called me

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(That was me leaving my appartement)
When I was waiting in the vip lounge area of the airport, Billy called me. I didn't pick up. I panicked and accidentally hanged up on him. He texted me :

"Hi Jules are u ok ? ❤️
"Hi Billy"
"Why did you hang up on me, your plane is only in an hour babe..."
"I'm sorry, I'm just lost and not in a very good mood right now"
"Oh...I see" "Jules ?"
"I miss you" "Do you ?"
At that moment I thought I was going to throw up. He was just so nice to me and the last thing I wanted to do is hurt him.
"Jules are u there ?"
"I am"
"I love you Juliette but do YOU ?"
"I think I'm gonna be sick"
And dragged my heavy-of-guilt body to the ladies bathrooms, slammed a door open and then locked it. Suddenly I felt everything was going up in my body and it happened. I threw up almost sobbing thinking of Billy at the other side of the planet in pain because of me. I stayed crying, my head above the toilet seat for about 5 minutes and then collapsed against the wall, my head in my knees. I took my headphones and played my playlist. It happened to play a Cher song "Believe"

I stopped it and smashed them on the floor, tears springing out of my face.
All of a sudden I heard someone entering the bathroom so I stopped crying. Well I tried but didn't succeed, quiet sobs could still be heard. The person whoever it was stopped her way in front of my cabin door. I could tell the person wanted to say something but didn't really know what to do. I heard a whisper :
- Hey there, are you okay ?
It was a lady. Obviously it was a ladies bathroom duh.
I couldn't stop sobbing and sniffing.
- *snif* Y-es.
- Kiddo why don't you open the door ok, you will be fine don't worry.
Great now she thinks I'm a five years old urghh
- Ok well if you don't want to come out I'm getting in.
I gasped and stopped sobbing for a minute, being scared that she would run into the door.
I hear her chuckle and I can feel that her body is now pressed against the other side of the wall.
- Don't be scared I was talking about the next cabin haha. I let out a small laugh
- See ! I'm making you laugh already
- It was a sneeze. I mumbled and she acted offended
- Oh stop it kiddo.
She said laughing. I smirked and I know she did too
- What's your name by the way ? I am not gonna call you kiddo forever am I ?
- Juliette
- What ?
- You asked for my name, my name is Juliette. Call me Jules
- Juliette like Romeo and Juliette.
She bursted into laugh and I acted mad.
- No. Juliette like Romeo and Julet me kick your ass off.
After that she couldn't stop laughing and me neither.
- Woaaaa watch your dirty mouth kiddo
- I though you would call me Jules now that you know my name.
- Nah...kiddo. Are you not going to ask mine ?
- What's you name then ?
- Sarah
- Mmkay
- Is that yours ?
I looked down on the floor and saw that one of my earphones was under the wall on stepping on Sarah's cabin floor.
- Yes
- What were you listening to ?
- I take the earphones and pass my hand under the wall and give it to her. I feel her arm extending, our fingers brush and chills pass throughout my entire being. When I understood that it's been a while, I drew my hand back in embarrassment. I hear a loud "OHHH MY GOOD" from her and it took me by surprise
- What ?? WHAT ? Are you okay Sarah ?
- I'm better now that I know you like Cher!!! Ouuuuhh
I let out a sight mixed with complain and relief.
- You dork...I mumbled again. I started to hear her singing doing a really loud and exaggerated impression of Cher. She then plugged out the earphones and played Turn back time. I sang along with her and slowly, things started to get a bit blurry, and images flashed into my mind. That voice.
I stopped singing and turned off the music.
- Jules ? Why did you stop you killjoy!
- Sarah ?
- Hmm ?
- What did you say your last name was ?
She remained silent at my question.
- ... You didn't ask.

Hiiii guys wow it's been such a long time since I've written anything ! So happy to be back with this story tho. Hope you like it so far. Part 2 coming really soon. <3
Xx P.

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