SarahxReader - The Hair salon Part 2

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"Hey there, hum you're alright?" Oh gosh.

I thought I was dreaming. That I was in my bed fantasising, yet again, about my celebrity crush. Though I always thought I was a fluid kind of girl, I had been way more attracted to women lately. Of course I find stupid when people always put boundaries and stereotypes over things. I didn't understand the trend to put ourselves in boxes and being labelled. I remember quite well the day I had figured all this out.


I had been drinking the entire night and the party was cooling down a little bit. It was that time of the night when everybody is tired of being fucking wasted and just decides to ruin their life for an unknown reason ; they start to play "Truth and Dare" what a great idea.

"Okay everybody forms a circle pleaseee !" Someone shouted through the living room.

I sat next to a girl I didn't know, her name was Hazel. As we all started to get comfortable on the hard floor, some guy named Kris asked who the youngest was. Of course my lucky ass was also the freshest so I got to start.

"(Y/n)...Truth or Dare ?"
How the fuck he remembers my name I've never even talked to him.

"I guess Truth"
I started being a little nervous cause we were about 15 people in the circle and I didn't know all of them.

"Okay...who is your celebrity crush. And don't say you don't have one cause we all do."

Oh yeah I have one but...should I say it?

"Uhmm I don't know..."

"Oh c'mon don't be a pussy!"
Okay so that guy was definitely a dickhead.

"Sarah Paulson I suppose." I said not really caring anymore considering how much alcool was running through my blood at that moment.

I hear lots of whistles and people saying "whooooo" like I had landed on the moon.

"What ?"

"She likes girls y'all ! That's fucking hot!"

"I don' girls!" I started to get offended as for me, there was no big deal.

"It's fine you can look hot and like girls. You don't have to be a dyke. Hey by the way come over one day. We could have a threesome with Hazel, I'll handle you both." He made a sexual gesture and lots of guys laughed at this.
I decided to play along with his little game.

"Okay dude, you're right— He looked at me surprised of what I said —well I already know what your girlfriend tastes like and it's pretty fucking sweet !"

At the same time I turned my head looking at Hazel giving her a cheeky smile. I was dangerously close and looked at her lips. Nobody moved and the girl looked shocked but intimidated at the same time. I grabbed her neck and kissed her. I was kinda scared she'd pull away but she didn't. Everybody started screaming, laughing, cheering and taking pictures and videos. Kris looked lifeless.
I pulled away and went home satisfied.

Damn that was sexy.

After that, lots of girls came after me but I wasn't that interested, I just wanted to give the guy a lesson you know. But moral of the story I had a huge fat crush on Sarah Paulson and didn't give a shit it was a woman.

*End of Falshback*



Hi so yeah...Coronavirus. Well I guess now I will have some more time to write.
There will be a chapter a three of course. Don't forget to vote if you like it so far and to tell me if there's some things you like or not ! <3

Xx P.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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