Part 1

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Betty's POV
I hate fridays. I hate them from the depts of my soul. Everything anyone's talking about is the stupid party tonight. You would think that as a junior in high school I would get used to it by now. I can't help it they are just getting worse and worse. I could never, ever waste my time and ruin my reputation by getting naked and drunk every week. I don't see what's so special about that. I am just getting more and more annoyed as minutes go by.

Oh god give me a break, there's Veronica Lodge walking towards me. She's exactly who I hoped not to run into. Although she has been nothing but a good friend to me, and we are really close, I can't help but feel disgust for her at times like this. She's all dressed in way to expensive and small clothes. Literally everything she could have exposed on her body, she did. Girls like her break dress code so much, teachers don't even bother to make them change anymore. I can't help the but feel so disgusted when I see all of the male heads turning to her literally naked ass. It's not that she's that curvy anyways it's just that she shows everything.

"Omg Betty, I was looking for you all morning, where were you?!" Veronica practically screams into my face. Hiding from you I think to myself. She gets like this every friday. She dresses to slutty, hangs out with her popular friends, goes to the party, drinks and almost every time calls me to ask for a ride at 4 am.

,,Oh, I don't know I was probably in the library, I had this project to finish" I lie.

"Ew, you literally never stop being a nerd!! You should be a teenager more go party, drink, dress your fucking agee!" she says pointing to my sweater  and my jeans. I actually like the way I dress though, I think it's better than her short skirt and fishnets atleast.

"Okay, Veronica give me a break for god sakes..."

"Fine" she finally sights in defeat. I love her despite the fact that we disagree on much, but I wish she would just stop trying to change me all the time. I like myself like this.

"Anyways I was looking for you cause I have some tea to spill.... I got a new targeet!!!" she screams again. In case you're aall wondering 'a target' is her way of saying a crush. Any cute guy can be a target, and her goal is to get him to date her. She has a boyfriend now though, so I don't know why would she be looking for targets anyways...

"But... what about Reggie?" I ask beyond confused.

"Well he's not being very nice to me lately, I'll just break up" she says so calmly I gasp. What the hell Veronica?  How can she be so cold about this?! Poor Reggie... See this is why I don't really like her. Sometimes I think that the only reason she's my friend is that no one else would listen to her all the time. And I just follow her. She loves to be the centre of attention. People see me as her minion and that scares me.

"So who's the lucky guy?" I say with the fakest smile i could possibly muster up.


"Jughead Jones?!" I say way louder than I intended to.


"Sorry" I say and flush. I'm so confused. Jones? He's so not her type. He actually has a brain... I'm surprised my how mean I'm getting I just can't picture them together.

Me and Jughead know eachother from this poetry club we we're both in. He's really talented but also way too arrogant and kinda annoying. It's not like we're friend we barely ever talk at poetry but I just don't want Roni messing with him. I don't know he's way too good.

"But he has a thing with Toni..." I don't know why I felt the urge too say that but I just don't want her with him. Besides it's not like I lied. Literally the whole school knows about him cause of his writing skills, and his thing with Toni, that everybody sees except them of course.

"That boring bitch is no competition of mine! Look at my ass, her ass is straighter than Midge Koose's hair for god sakes." I want to tell her she's being rude. I want to tell her her ass isn't near as good as she think but I don't bother. I'm over this by now to be honest...

"Well go for it if you want to then" I say not having the energy to fight. I try to sound encouraging but I fail miserably. Luckily she's way too busy checking herself out in the locker mirror to notice my odd tone.

"Thank you babe, wish me luck" she says leaning in for a quick hug. These popular girls hugs are like so weird.

"Good luck, V" I say and smile.

I do love Veronica, she's been there for me through a lot of shit with my parents. I will always be there for her. I just couldn't help the sting in my chest on the mention of Jugheads name. We're not even friends, I don't know what's wrong with me...

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