Part 2

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After Veronica finally left me alone I headed to class. The rest of my day was pretty boring and annoying. Everyone was just walking around dressed just like Veronica. If I knew my mom wouldn't kill me I'd totally skip all of my remaining classes. I had to stay unfortunately.
It's monday morning. I spent my weekend in my room rereading Harry Potter. If I had any kind of magic abilities I would have burned this school down.

I have poetry club today. I'm kinda curious to see the Jones boy. Does he know Veronica's into him. If yes what would his reaction be. I wish he says he isn't interested, which I blame on my attitude about Veronica changing guys quicker than her underwear.
It's finally third period. Poetry. I'm so exited. I always loved that class.

"Hi" says Jughead to me. Cold as always. Head so far up his nose could have ripped the clouds. Tilting his head is a habit he's used to trying to move the hair out of his forehead. He's so cold he's blue eyes might as well be ice.

"Hey" I say nervously and flush. What the hell is wrong with me?! I was never nervous around him before. This was so embarassing. Luckily he's too occupied with his best friend Cheryl playing with his hair to notice my face turning red. I honestly don't even know why he hangs out with popular people. Girls are always so dumb and all over him. Even his best friend. What's even a best friend for if you flirt with her like with everyone else. Cheryl is now laying on a table. Oh, he's going up to her. Wait is his hand on her shoulder or her boob?!My question is immediately answered when Cheryl playfully scolds him.

"You're hand shouldn't be there" she says but her tone is opposite. It's like her words are saying move your hand but her tone is like keep it there please. How is that a best friendship?!

He finally moves his hand but ends up  placing it on her...ass. Just go ahead hook up please. I just don't get it aren't they supposed to be friends? I'm confusion.

"Even worse" she squeaks noticing his hand on her ass. And I thought Jughead was this guy in love with his girl Toni, that he doesn't admit to anyone cause he's insecure and he's scared she's not gonna like him back or something. Turns out that he just can't have a girlfriend surrounded by these attention whores all over him. At least I have something to use against Veronica's sudden love for Jughead.

Where is everyone, our class should start already. Why is the universe playing this sick joke on me leaving me alone with these two?

Finally the door opens. And Veronica comes in. What?! I mean she did make these rules a while ago about doing anything to get the target. But still.... poetry club? Really, V?

She's followed by the popular part of poetry club. She sees me and just waves me of cause she's obviously too busy caring about her popular friends. Why does she get like this? And people say high school doesn't change you.

Finally our teacher walks in. Ms Mirsa works in this school as an english teacher. She's really nice and always protective of us. Even tho some kids here are popular and some are not, she makes us vibe. We're like  a friend group and we're somewhat connected. Veronica's gonna ruin everything separating her popular friends.

"Hey guys" says Ms Mirsa cheerfully. "Hi Ms Mirsa" we all say at once. She's always so friendly with us. She even told us we can call her by her first name (Zara) but it would be weird. Imagine accidentally calling her Zara in front of the other kids in our english class. That would be so weird. Like Hi Zara can you grade my paper, hell no.

"So we got a new member joining us, but Jughead and Cheryl over there might be too busy to notice. Kids, stop messing around and just hook up already" she says laughing.

"No, Ms, they're best friends, don't worry." I defend. I don't know why I felt the urge to defend those two but it's true, they are friends.

Jughead kind of looks at me like he was going to thank me, but he doesn't, and his bitch Cheryl just says "yeah".

Veronica kinda stares at Jughead and laughs way too loud at his jokes. It's not that they are bad she's just laughing at a way too high volume, playfully swatting his arm (which all looks incredibly fake), and he is smiling at her but you can tell he's kinda weirded out, thank god.

Cheryl, who has to always be the centre of attention is laying on the table in the back. And of course, Ms Mirsa over here has to call her out on it and gives her exactly what she wanted, attention.

She pretends to wake up, which everyone could probably tell she was faking she was asleep anyways, except maybe her Jughead.

"Oh, I'm sorry Ms Mirsa, I didn't get any sleep last night Jughead kept waking me up"

I gasp half because of her audacity to say something like that, and half because a huge part of me was actually hoping they are actually  friends. Just friends. Ms Mirsa has the same reaction. Jughead's bitch Cheryl knows exactly how what she said sounded and yet she still pretends to be weirded out by our reaction. I really despise her.

"Oh, you perverts. We were just texting." she says and quickly adds in "all night" dying laughing.

As uncomfortable as I am about all of this it's amazing to see Veronica's face in all of this. Her jaw is practically on the floor. Priceless.

Finally the class is dismissed few more Cheryl's attention seeking incidents later. Damn, and I thought Veronica was bad... Veronica is amazing compared to Cheryl. It's not that I hate Cheryl that much, we were friends for a long time in freshmen year. You can say we just kinda grew apart. But deep down I know her, she is in fact a great person. She's just attention seeking like Veronica, but I guess no one's perfect.

Veronica walks out of class with a really confused expression. She has never had to fight for anyone's attention, boys would usually always be the first to approach. Maybe this could be good for her. Put her down to earth a bit. Hopefully.

As I'm walking out I catch Jughead looking at me.

"What?!" I snap at him, I come out rude, but I feel as I should be angry because of what I just saw with him and Cheryl. I can't explain that, but I don't have to.

He just smirks and walks out. I'm confusion.

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