Helping Emily

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Helping Emily

Chapter 22

Mark's POV

        I feel bad for Lexie. While I'm at work helping to save lifes, she's probably watching Oprah. I mean I'm not hating on Oprah or anything, but being in the OR is so much better. Anyways today I'm performing a facial reconstruction on a teenage girl named Emily. She got into a bad car accident driving to the mall. You see, she's 17 and she just got her license about 2 weeks ago. On the way to the mall earlier this afternoon, a drunk driver crashed into her. Her face got messed up pretty badly and I plan on fixing it.  

        Avery is just about finished prepping for surgery. I walk up to him and pat him on the shoulder. "Hey Avery, how's it going?" He nods. "It's going well how's it going Sloan?" I smile at him. "It's going well. Are you finished prepping Emily for surgery?" He applies an IV into Emily's arm quickly. "Now I am." "Good let's take her up for surgery."

        Jackson and I are halfway done the corrider when Emily grabs my hand. She appears to be frightened and looks like she's about to have a panic attack. "I'm not going to Dr. Sloan am I because I am way too young to go to heaven. I don't want to die." I squeeze her hand and look her in the eyes. "You're not going to die Emily. I am one of the best plastic surgeons in the country and so is Avery. We're both going to make sure that dosen't happen okay." She nods. "Good. Now try to relax a bit." 

10 minutes later.....

        Avery and I just put Emily under. She's out cold so she won't feel a thing. I make the first cut and open her up. As soon as I do, I notice the tremendous amount of swelling in her face. "Shit." I mutter. Avery looks at me. "What is Sloan?" I sigh. "Emily has a lot of swelling in her face, more than I was expecting there would be. I can work around it, but it's going to make this surgery a bit more difficult." Before you know it, I'm cutting around the swelling like a mad man, trying to get rid of the bad skin, so I can replace it with new skin after. I swear if Lexie saw the way I was operating on this girl, she'd be shellshocked.

10 hours later...

        I'm almost done working on Emily. Avery and I are closing her up. We got the swelling down a little bit and replaced the bad skin. We also cleaned off some dried up blood on her face. In a few weeks, Emily will look as good as new. After I put her back in her room, Avery comes up and high fives me. I laugh and high five him back. "We did well Avery didn't we?" He grins. "Hell yeah we did. We just gave a girl a new and improved face. Soon enough, she'll look like a supermodel." I can't but be amused by how energized Avery is. I think he had one too many cans of redbull this morning. I pat him on the back. "Good night Avery." As I walk to the elevator, I heard a faint shout from Avery saying "Night Sloan." I press the down button and head down to the parking lot.

5 Minutes later..        

        I'm in my car and now heading home. It's been a good, but long day. I know this going to sound weird, but I just want to cuddle with my baby. I miss the feel of her lying in my arms at night. Turning on the radio, I blast some rock music and put the windows down. I take in cool night air and jam out. Life is good right now.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. :) -Mary

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