Chapter 10 The Coffee Shop

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Julius POV 

It was now Sunday two days before the dance and two days before I confess my feelings for Noelle I couldn't wait I wanted to tell her how much she meant to me she changed me so much and I am happy she became my partner. I hated her at first but once I got to know more about her a little bit I couldn't help but fall in love. And its very wrong. 

I turned to look at Noelle she was looking ahead her long hair flowing behind her and her blue eyes shining in the sun.

She was so pretty

"Hey, Julius I have a question that I wanted to ask" Noelle looked up at me. "Sure what is it?" I asked hoping it wasn't anything bad. "Well I wanted to know more about you so I was thinking maybe we could go have coffee after classes and talk," Noelle said before going back to fidgeting her fingers I couldn't help but smile.

"Sure I would love to and I want to know more about you too" I was so happy I would get to spend time with Noelle after our classes and get to know her more.

"Yay" I couldn't help but sense a little excitement and grief in her voice I found it really cute next thing I know I had locked fingers with her and we now walking together holding hands it felt amazing.

We walked to class together our fingers still locked together soon after we said our goodbyes and went to our classes to bad I didn't have a class with her on Sunday.

After classes I finally met up with Noelle I was so excited I couldn't concentrate I was so busy thinking about later and now it's happening.

"So Julius I cant wait to have coffee with you" Noelle was skipping beside me I could tell she was excited too we walked into the coffee shop a breeze of coffee washing over me it smelled so good. "So let's go sit over there" Noelle pointed to a table with two chairs it was far from the other tables so Noelle and I had a little more room for just us. We walked over and sat down waiting for our menus.

A little while later a woman in a uniform walks up to us and gives us our menus "welcome I am Karrie your waitress for today when you are ready I will take your order" the waitress walked away and Noelle and I just stared at each other before bursting out with laughter. "Okay anyway, we can order later first I wanna know more about you" Noelle leaned closer pushing her menu to the side.

"Alright then what do you wanna know?" I leaned in I could feel her breath our noses almost touching.

"Well first tell me about your family?"

I sat up straight and looked out the window I don't really talk about my family that much but I guess with Noelle it wouldn't hurt to mention them.

"Well my family and I never had a good relationship my mother was a doctor and my father was a businessman they were not really home that much so I just hung out with my dog Rockey until they came home" I leaned in and looked out the window again. "When I was about 16 my dad wanted me to become a businessman and stay at his side but I didn't want to" I watched as Noelle leaned more in she seems very interested so I continued. "My father disagreed with me he thought that if I became a businessman next to him we could fight off people from the side of the light," I said.

"Why would he wanna do that?"

"Well you see Noelle my father hated people from the side of the light he thought they were just a bunch of cowards and soon enough that sank into me and I did too but I still didn't agree with him and I ended up coming here to Carnivalle" staring at Noelle she slowly sat back in amusement.

"So when you're done with the school what are you gonna do?" Noelle asked

"Well I don't know I haven't talked to my father or mother in ages and my plan was to go home but now I really don't know".

"Hmm alright so I am gonna ask you some small questions then it will be my turn but first lets order" Noelle grabbed the menu and started to look through it. I couldn't help but stare at her she was beautiful the way her long blonde hair fell in front of her and her crystal-like eyes.

"Okay, are you ready to order?"

I quickly gazed out of thought and looked up at the waitress and nodded "um can I have a small hot chocolate" Noelle smiled before giving her menu away. "I will have the same as her" the waitress nodded before grabbing my menu and walking away.

"Alright Noelle go on and ask me some questions but only 5"

Noelle nodded and sat back again "alright then Julius have you ever had any other girlfriends except aina?" I was kinda shocked by that question but I shrugged it off. "No never Dana was the only girl I ever dated next question" and I sat back in my chair. "Alright do you like cats?" Noelle asked, "hmm yes I do I like big fluffy cats and black cats".

"Here are your drinks"

The waitress came over and placed two hot chocolates in front of us and we both took sips before going back to the conversation. "Alright then if you could travel anywhere in the world where?" Noelle asked taking a big sip of her hot chocolate.

"Hmm yes I would actually travel to London even though it's on the side of light I don't care I always wanted to travel there ever since I was a kid" I took a sip of hot chocolate before setting it down Noelle had looked at me and nodded in approval.

"Same London is amazing well I think that is all my turn"

To explain the school part basically at the side of darkness they have school on weekends but only some classes and each month they get 1 week off of school but hope you enjoyed the next chapter will be Noelle's POV and what she thinks I will publish the next chapter either today or tomorrow bye-Kiki

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